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An Appearance on Dr. Phil Yields a Mug Shot for One Desperate Mother

published January 29, 2011

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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It was bound to happen; one of Dr. Phil's controversial guests was going to pay a high price at some point. Turns out, Jessica Beagley is that guest. The 36 year old mother was seen forcing hot sauce in her seven year old son's mouth and then forcing him into a cold shower for misbehaving in school. Her son was adopted from a Russian orphanage and his new mother said he was deeply troubled and she felt as though these harsh punishments were the only way to get his attention. She called them punishments, but Alaskan authorities call it child abuse.

She was arrested this week on charges of child abuse. Her attorney pleaded not guilty for his client in court on Friday. His statement to the press included, ''She has not done anything that would warrant a criminal charge for child abuse; if she hadn't showed up on Dr. Phil, there wouldn't be anybody saying anything about it''. She has her supporters, too. One blogger in Alaska said she ''would characterize her as more of a disciplinarian rather than an abuser''.

One adoption specialist in Alaska defended the mother and said the only way she could get help from Dr. Phil was to submit a controversial video - and that's exactly what she did. Producers built hype for the upcoming episode for weeks until finally, anyone who had seen it became outraged and ready for blood the day the show aired. Beagley insists that she only wanted help for her troubled son.

The show, titled ''Mommy Confessions'' was heavily advertised with the following:

Jessica, a mom of six, sent Dr. Phil a home video so disturbing it brought his wife, Robin, and many audience members to tears. Could you be dealing with deep feelings of hostility when you discipline your children? Dr. Phil has advice

Dr. Phil McGraw, host of the Dr. Phil show, has not released a statement. Information on this week's arrest can be seen here.

No court date has been set, but one's for sure: the hype building now is sure to overshadow anything Dr. Phil's producers could have built.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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