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Thank You for Suing Us

published January 29, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing
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USAToday, the New York Times and even the Wall Street Journal all have a page with the bold headline:
''Thank you for suing us. Here's the truth about our seasoned beef.''
In California last week, a class action lawsuit was filed that claimed Taco Bell used false advertising when it listed beef as an ingredient. Specifically, it said Taco Bell uses a mixture that includes binders and extenders; so much so that it does not meet compliance guidelines set forth by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, therefore, it should not be labeled ''beef''.

Taco Bell wasted no time in its response. It said the lawsuit was inaccurate and bogus and then, on its website, it released a statement that read, in part, ''Our beef is 100% USDA inspected, just like the quality beef you would buy in a supermarket and prepare in your home. Our seasoned beef recipe contains 88% quality USDA inspected beef and 12% seasonings, spices, water and other ingredients...'' Finally, the company denied it used any extenders.

The Alabama firm that filed the lawsuit says that's not true. Beasley, Allen, Crow, Methvin, Portis & Miles says it tested the beef and discovered less than 35% of it was actually beef. It declined to release any further details or even the name of the lab it used for testing.

The law firm says Taco Bell has taken such an ''aggressive stance'' because it knows the threat is real, accurate and could easily jeopardize its entire brand.

Other legal experts, however, say the firm will have difficulty proving its case. Taco Bell buys its beef from Tyson Foods, Inc. It prepares and cooks the meat before it's shipped to Taco Bell and further, it's tested daily to ensure it meets USDA requirements.

Some say the law firm is interested in ''generating publicity and legal fees for a lawyer rather than correcting a societal wrong''.
