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Mississippi's Tough New Immigration Bill

published January 22, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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The proposed bill was hotly debated in Jackson and after several ''technical amendments'' and nearly five hours the bill finally passed 34-15 and will now go before the state's two chambers for approval. Fillingane says this law is ''an improvement over Arizona's, which is being challenged in federal court''. He reiterated the goal was not to racially profile people, but because no one is certain of how many immigrants are in the state illegally, there's no way of knowing the true impact. Fillingane did, however, cite a state auditor's report from 2006 that placed the number at around 49,000 illegal immigrants. It's important to note, however, this report was compiled less than one year after Hurricane Katrina's devastating landfall on the Louisiana/Mississippi coast. The law, he says, would protect jobs in America, keep Mississippi safer while also protecting taxpayers who provide education, health and other benefits to those not authorized to be in the country.

The bill also addresses the need for stiff penalties for Mississippi companies that knowingly hire illegal workers. Cities that refuse to enforce the law, if it comes to pass, will face tough financial penalties as well. The goal, explained Fillingane, was to ensure that these cities don't become ''safe havens for undocumented residents''.

David Blount, D-Jackson, accused Fillingane of trying to rush the bill through.

There were several outbursts from people in the gallery, along with applause and cheers by tea party members when the bill was allowed to move forward. Phil Bryant, Mississippi's Lt. Governor, was even forced to ask them to refrain.
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