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Law School Career Dean Gail Peshel

published January 11, 2011

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After committing four years in the role of Director of Career Services, Gail Peshel was named the Assistant Dean of the school in 2004. Four years later, she returned to Career Services. Her goal is to ensure graduating seniors are offered every opportunity to thrive in a highly competitive field. Knowing the legal profession is very aggressive and with more schools focusing on preparing their respective law students for those challenges, Peshel has a way of keeping a fair balance that bodes well in all she does. Understanding the importance of asserting oneself, she also reiterates the importance of keeping the same foundation of ethics and morals that the school expects from all of its students.

Dean Peshel continues to participate in various organizations, both on state and national levels. She is a member of the national Association for Law Placement, the Indiana State Bar Association and was previously a member of the Board of Governors for the Indiana State Bar. Further, she spends a fair amount of time in the sector of pro bono work, and in fact, served on the Indiana Pro Bono Committee between 2002 and 2007. She has served as president for the National Association of Law Placement and to prepare her for the challenges facing her at Notre Dame in the role of career services director, she served as an assistant dean for Career Services at Valparaiso University School of Law.

Dean Peshel is a graduate of Valparaiso University School of Law and prior to earning her J.D., she earned her B.S. in Business Administration with a concentration on human resources from the same college.

She and her staff work to coordinate symposiums, workshops and career fairs throughout the school year. She stresses the importance of networking and is happy to share job search strategies while also providing guidance to the student body on everything from internships to preparing for the state bar exam. She's truly a remarkable woman who offers the school a focus and dedication that's unmatched.

Further, she also ensures graduating seniors have access to various goings-on around the world so that they are better able to prepare for life outside law school. She directs attention to seminars such as those on legal education and bar admission as well as preparing students to prepare for various testing, such as the multistate performance test or MPT.

Just as the Career Services Mission outlines a dedication and commitment to educating and providing students with the necessary tools for success, Dean Peshel maintains her own level of commitment and it shows throughout the campus and surely into her private life. For more information on Notre Dame and its Career Services, visit
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