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Wind Up Like Prichard

published December 24, 2010

By Author - LawCrossing
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While Prichard has never been considered a wealthy city by any stretch of the imagination, with the hometown sense of everyone knowing everyone else, coupled with the salt air coming in off the Gulf of Mexico, it's always been enough for so many to justify raising their families here. Strategically placed between Mobile and Pensacola, Florida, it offers the perfect balance. Unfortunately, although fair warnings were given years ago that if something didn't give way, it would run out of money by late 2009, no one seemed to listen. The predictions were only months off. Now, no one is receiving their pensions.

The city's failures have resulted in many tragic consequences, including the death of a retired police officer who, too proud to ask for help, died alone in his house that had no running water or electricity. Some retired city workers are turning to their families and others are finding creative ways of raising much needed money, including bake sells and collecting aluminum cans. All legal eyes are on this small town as it seeks to find the right solution. A few bankruptcy attorneys have suggested it file for protection, much like what's happened in in Vallejo, Calif. This isn't a new suggestion, as Prichard has filed for bankruptcy at least twice.

In the meantime, the community as a whole is feeling the repercussions. If the city is to follow the law, it means big tax increases and potentially cuts in crucial services such as police protection. Regardless of whether Prichard's location stunted its growth due to its proximity to the east and west of larger cities or whether anyone believed it would actually ever run out of money is irrelevant at this point. The goal now is to ensure that no one else dies because his pension check didn't arrive in time to make his payments to utility companies.

For now, other cities - both larger and smaller than Prichard - are monitoring the situation closely. If nothing else, this is proof that nothing is impossible. As one city leader said, ''This is the worst possible situation. No one should wind up like Prichard''.
