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Harvard and Princeton Graduate and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor

published December 14, 2010

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Born in the Bronx in 1954, Sonia Sotomayor was raised in a bi-lingual home where both English and Spanish were spoken in tandem. After her father's death when she was less than ten years old, her mother raised her and her brother, who is now a New York physician, the same way many single parents do: very carefully and with a closely budgeted income. Still, her mother was determined to see both her children graduate from one of the finest private Catholic schools in New York. Sotomayor was valedictorian for her class in 1972 and where she won a scholarship to Princeton. From there, it was just a matter of time before the world knew her name.

After graduating summa cum laude from Princeton with a bachelor's in history, along with several other recognitions and awards, Sotomayor then was accepted into Yale Law School, where she earned her JD in 1979. While there, she was published in Yale law Journal and was known for her analytical approach to all things related to Puerto Rico.

Following her educational career, Sotomayor then dedicated several years in the role of an assistant district attorney in Manhattan. After serving as a ''fearless and effective prosecutor'', she then chose to go into private practice in the mid-1980s. Her caseloads might include white collar crime and real estate one year, only to spend another year focusing on international law. Her goal was to continue her education, but in a real world setting. And that she did!

By the time 1998 rolled around, Sotomayor became the first Latina to fill a position on the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Those who fill these roles often say it's one of the toughest courts in the country. Sotomayor may agree; she played a pivotal role in more than 3,000 panel discussions and authored more than 400 opinions. This could be one reason she has the respect of both the Republicans and Democrats. Both Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton supported her with separate appointments to the District Court for the Southern District of New York and the Second Circuit court, respectively.

Judge Sonia Sotomayor continues to live by the strong ethics instilled in both her and her brother at an early age. She is often the balance needed and presents with a calm, effective manner. While she does not have children, her bonds with her nieces and nephews are strong and according to the White House, she is a godmother to five more children. It is said that she speaks on a daily basis with her mother, who now resides in Florida.

published December 14, 2010

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