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ROCK the Lawsuit

published October 09, 2010

By Author - LawCrossing
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The problem, according to the Cabinet revolves around a Biblical verse on the group's website and not so much of the request made of what to include on the automobile tags. ROCK claims it met all of the requirements while the Cabinet says the group wants to ''promote Christianity''. Needless to say, the controversy is building in the Bluegrass State. ROCK states, in a press release, that although it is a faith based organization, the primary goal is to focus on human decency. The group's mission, located on its website, reads:

ROCK is a non-profit organization that exists to defend and sustain the founding principles upon which our country was built. Through active involvement in our community, through education, and cooperation with like-minded citizens, we will promote a wholesome culture in which all families can flourish.
Chuck Wolfe, national ROCK spokesperson, told FOX News, ''It just wasn't clear how the national motto —somebody just seeing that on a license plate — would be able to tell from that that this is an organization with the stated mission of being opposed to pornography and the sex industry''.

The goal of the lawsuit is to overturn the decision made by the state to not print the vanity tags. The lawsuit claims the application met the criteria and that the grounds for denial are inconsistent with the language and previous decisions and further, it's contrary to the state law.

Further muddying the waters is the ACLU's insistence of getting involved. It stated it too would sue if Kentucky were to bring any regular issued tags bearing the saying. ROCK then decided to submit it as a private group while also making it available to any resident of the state. Many are comparing this latest brouhaha to that of a recent case in Indiana. That case was finally resolved when the plate fees were waived by the non-profit organization.

For now, the arguments are slated to begin on December 13. This is certainly going to be a closely watched legal event as it could very well affect the decisions of other non profits across the country. The site can be viewed by visiting
