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Milwaukee's Quarles & Brady Expands To Tampa Bay: Picks Up Six New Partners

published April 06, 2010

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Milwaukee's Quarles & Brady Expands To Tampa Bay: Picks Up Six New Partners

Milwaukee based firm Quarles & Brady is expanding to Tampa Bay, Florida. Included in the expansion is a list of six legal recruits from national firms.

Locally recruited lawyers are generally experienced in bankruptcy and creditors rights, franchising and distribution, foreclosure and workout litigation, Employee Retirement Income Security, products liability, non-compete and trade secret litigation and general commercial litigation.

Three of the six partners being recruited are coming from Holland & Knight, while the remaining three are coming from DLA Piper.

Quarles & Brady's six Tampa based partners are as follows: David A. Beyer, a former partner at DLA Piper; Christian C. Burden, a former DLA Piper lawyer, Philip V. Martino, another former DLA Piper lawyer; Kelli A. Edson, a former partner at Holland & Knight; William “Bill” Hamilton, a former Holland & Knight partner; Paul E. Parrish, former head of Employee Retirement Income Security Act litigation at Holland & Knight.

Kimberly L. Johnson, a current partner at Quarles & Brady based in Naples, will act as managing partner of the Tampa office.

The new office will begin operations at the Bank of America Plaza downtown.

Los Angeles Based Software, Internet And Technology Industries Firm Expands To San Francisco
Los Angeles-based litigation law firm Spillane Weingarten LLP  has just announced that they have opened a new office in San Francisco.

According to Jay Spillane, co-founder of the firm, “A San Francisco office allows [them] to provide superior service to [their] clients doing business in Northern California.”

The firm was founded six years ago and focuses on companies in the software, Internet and technology industries.

Lawyers In Southeast Michigan Are Pouring On The Hours With No One To Bill
Law firms in Southeast Michigan have been logging thousands of hours in recent days, devoted to studying the 2,600 pages of last months new health care reform legislation.

Consultations and regulatory practice work connected to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care act may generate over $4 million worth of business for the largest local firms in Southeast Michigan over the coming eight years, according to attorneys at firms in the region.

As of now, local firms have estimated that they have spent over 3,000 hours on the new legislation. That includes developing briefings for trade groups of affected businesses, building business strategies, and much research and miscellaneous work that is just not billable to clients.
According to Robert Schwartz, the head of the health care practice at the region's Butzel Long P.C. firm, around 10 lawyers will join a task force for the firm, which will have put in nearly 1,000 hours of work amidst the large changes in health care legislation.

Local law firms are looking for attorneys, Please visit this page to check available jobs as per your practice areas.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

More about Harrison

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