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Julie A. Matonich - One of Minnesota's Shining Stars

published February 24, 2010

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Reminding the jury of the little girl's 24 hour care and multiple surgeries she has already undergone, Matonich presented an impressive case and provided stellar legal representation for her clients that resulted in the February 2010 award. Keep reading for more about this compassionate and brilliant legal mind.

Graduated with honors from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, Julie A. Matonich barely slowed down to revel in her honors degree and certainly not long enough to take a break before moving on to George Washington National Law Center in her quest for a law degree. She attained that degree from the Washington, D.C. College in 1994. From there, she was offered and accepted a fellowship to study domestic violence in Argentina. With a fluency in Spanish, she accepted the Organization of American States award and took the rare opportunity to spend time in Argentina and as a result, was afforded a rare opportunity to see firsthand how different cultures view domestic violence as well as how the varies from one country to another.

By 1995, Matonich was back in the Minneapolis, Minnesota with a judicial clerkship and before long, she found herself in private practice in her home state. Her extensive experience has allowed her to make a difference in the lives of those with personal injuries and those injuries due to automobile, employment or other accidents. She has represented those charged with white collar crimes as well as those facing homicide, drug or sexual crimes. She also specializes in litigation that includes product liability, wrongful death, employment cases and of course, medical malpractice suits, as noted by her most recent victory in a Minnesota courtroom. This award will allow the family of this little girl to ensure her future is as bright as possible with no fears over massive medical expenses.

Recently named a ''Rising Star'' by the prestigious Minnesota Law & Politics, she was also awarded with being named a Super Lawyer - an award given to those who rank in the top five percent of Minnesota lawyers. She continues to raise the bar and in 2009, she was named as one of the Top Lawyers in Minnesota and was featured in Minnesota Monthly magazine.
So what's next for Matonich? She remains committed to the American justice system and spends a considerable amount of time doing pro bono work and volunteering for various agencies, including the Advocates for Human Rights. She currently serves on the Advisory Board of the Page Education Foundation, where she was awarded the prestigious ''Giving Award'' in 2006. She became a member of the Colleague Advisory Board of the Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum in Minneapolis in 2009. Few attorneys reach such incredible heights so young in their legal careers. Julie Matonich is certainly an exception and serves as inspiration to attorneys everywhere as she continues to move forward in her efforts of protecting those most vulnerable in our justice system.
Matonich is employed with Matonich & Persson, with offices in both Hibbing and Minneapolis. Learn more about Julie A. Matonich and her firm by visiting

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Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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