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Attorney Wayne Greenwald

published October 20, 2009

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Wayne Greenwald is the principal of the Wayne Greenwald, P.C. which is one of the leading debt relief agencies in the country. He is a 1979 J.D. Law Graduate from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University. Having done his Bachelor's Degree from the State University of New York College at New Paltz, he was also attending the University of Wyoming at the same time for a course in Social Science; this was from 1973 to 1975.

Wayne Greenwald specializes in the particular areas of legal practice including Creditor's Rights, Insolvency, Bankruptcy RICO and Commercial Litigation. While he was still an apprentice he attended some of the leading legal institutions in the country including:
  • New York, U.S. District Court (1980)
  • Southern and Eastern Districts of New York (1980)
  • U.S. District Court (1982)
  • Northern District of New York (1982)
  • Second Circuit (1983)
  • US Court of Appeals (1983)
Having amassed a vast amount of knowledge and immense professional expertise, Wayne laid the foundation for Wayne Greenwald, P.C. This is a well-established legal firm with a sturdy reputation of having represented time and again a wide spectrum of parties in interest. Irrespective of the fact whether you are a debtor or a creditor, Wayne Greenwald P.C. has the experience of effectively dealing with critical situations in either scenario. They have successfully taken care of cases under the Bankruptcy Code with commendable performance.

Entities the Wayne Greenwald P.C. has catered to

Wayne and his team of attorneys have stood for:
  • Insurance Companies
  • Debtors-in-possession
  • Creditor's Rights
  • Bankruptcy Code proceedings
  • Money Center Banks
  • Secured creditors
  • Investors
  • Creditors' committees
  • Equity security holders' committees
  • Indenture trustees
  • Trustees in bankruptcy
  • Some of the well known Fortune 500 and Forbes 500 companies
  • Ministry of Defense of a foreign sovereign
  • Debtors
Wayne is a respected member of the American Bar Association and the American Bankruptcy Institution as well. Apart from this, he is also an active part of the Commercial Fraud Task Force. As a leading Creditor's Right and Bankruptcy professional, he makes it a point not to view bankruptcy as an indication of forfeiture or failure. In fact he has taught the attorneys in his firm to view it as a particular strategy which the debtors and the creditors can re-adapt their relation on the basis of the actual fiscal potencies and realities. Wayne interestingly stresses on the fact that the bankruptcy cases in particular offer the client, as well as investors, with opportunities for obtaining discounted inexpensive assets.

The decision of Wayne Greenwald, P.C. to cater to the creditors, trustees, debtors, and investors without discrimination gives all the other clients in the market a chance to benefit from their expert services as well. With a diverse range of service experience, the Wayne Greenwald, P.C. can easily foresee the reaction of the competitors in the cases and lawsuits. Hence they chalk their plan of action accordingly.

Contact Information:

Wayne Greenwald, P.C.
99 Park Avenue, Suite 800, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10016

Phone: 212-983-1922
Fax: 212-973-9494


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Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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