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Civil Litigation Disputes

published October 13, 2009

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Civil litigation can be between two or in some cases more than two individuals or business firms. It mainly sees to it that the interest of the house owners, business men, and investors are safeguarded. Civil disputes can be many, such as violation of contract, personal injury, disputes involving landlords or tenants, malpractices, partnership disputes, investment fraud, illegal business practices, and disputes regarding commercial lease. If any of the above mentioned disputes are tried in the court of law, it then becomes a civil litigation.

The lawyers always try to solve the cases efficiently and in a cost effective manner. The different alternatives that can be experimented with are appeals, arbitration, meditation, trials, and adjudications relating to administration.

It is very important that you take the help of experts to solve these legal disputes. The legal representatives can assist you in finding out the ways in which these problems can be sorted easily. You will come to realize the benefits you have derived after using the legal representatives for solving your legal representatives. There are however many disputes that can be sorted outside the court, but in case of disputes which require legal indulgence, it is always advisable to seek help from the legal professionals including the barristers. Seeking legal help for the litigation disputes are not at all expensive and an efficient method of coming out of the situation.

The lawyers can also help you to solve the following civil litigation disputes:
  • Any dispute arising out of misinterpretation, fraud, theft, unfair competition
  • Disputes among the contractors, suppliers and professionals from the field of trade and commerce regarding price, warranties, defects, and delays
  • Defending the recruiters against administration and lawsuits proceedings that complain of unfair practices, labor practices, discrimination, and other different kinds of issues
  • Investigation and protection of claims or lawsuits that seek compensation due to accidents such as fire, explosion from electric connections or tanks containing inflammable fluids
  • Claims or law suits that complain of defective materials, defective designs, installations, or poor quality electronic, consumer, or commercial products
  • Protection of commercial or personal properties, other assets are also covered under this

The most important civil litigation disputes are as follows:

Business lawsuit: Disputes concerning the business firms and the parties.

Common business disputes between partners are as follows:
  • the way in which service is provided by the company
  • ways by which business can be expanded
  • the terms and conditions laid down for dissolution of partnership

Common disputes among the businesses are as follows:
  • goods supply
  • delivery delays
  • violations of the rules and regulations of the contract
  • non-compete covenants violation

Disputes concerning the real estate may arise from the following issues:
  • Material goods line
  • Agreements between buyers and sellers
  • Transactions between the client and broker of the real estate

Please see this article to find out if litigation is right for you: Why Most Attorneys Have No Business Being Litigators: Fifteen Reasons Why You Should Not Be a Litigator

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

More about Harrison

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