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David M. Garvin Florida Attorney

published September 15, 2009

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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<<Born on March 4, 1956 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Mr.Garvin relocated to Miami, Florida in 1974. He still lives there. Mr. Garvin went to the University of Miami where he completed his Bachelor in Business Administration degree. His major was accounting and he worked as an accountant till 1980. In the year 1982 he took law from the University of Miami School of Law. He attained a Juris Doctor degree and received a LLM (Masters in Law) in taxation in 1987.

Mr. Garvin got recognition during his educational and professional career. When he was in law school, Mr. Garvin was named on the Dean's List in all three years of graduation for excellence in academics and graduated Cum Laude. Mr. Garvin's colleagues and peers recognized him as an incredible attorney.

He is listed in Martindale Hubbell Write a review for this law firm where he got the highest rating i.e. AV rating. Also, since 1999, Mr. Garvin has been included in the Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers every year. He is included for both the Criminal Law Attorney - Lawyer section and Tax Attorney - Tax Lawyer section.

This is not all; Mr. Garvin has been named among Florida's top white collar criminal defense attorneys by each year since 2006. He has also been certified by the Florida Bar as a Certified Specialist in Taxation since 1990. Furthermore, Mr. Garvin is a Florida Certified Public Accountant since 1982. In 2003 Mr. Garvin was chosen for Outstanding Lawyers of America membership that is limited to one hundred attorneys in each state. He was also chosen for membership in Who's Who in 1992.

In 1982, Mr. Garvin became part of the Florida Bar, the United States Tax Court, and the United States Claims Court. In 1983, he was admitted to the United States District Court, Southern District of Florida and the United States District Court, Middle District of Florida. In 1987, Mr. Garvin was admitted to the United States Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeal.

The firm deals in various law areas like securities litigation defense, tax litigation defense, white collar crimes defense, federal criminal defense matters, state criminal defense matters, wrongful death cases, civil business litigation, and appeals.

Federal Cases of David M. Garvin, P.A. include the following: United States v. Argomaniz, United States v. Uncle, United States v. Elliott, Internal Revenue Service v. Rhetorik/Government Securities Corporation, and Internal Revenue v. Cleo Perfumes, Inc.

Wrongful death cases of Mr. Garvin were: Estate of Lomparte v. Gulf Bank, Incharte v. Dade County, et al., Callejas v. Horsepower Electric, et al., and The Estate of Darryl Green.

David M. Garvin, P.A. law firm has handled many cases of businessmen and professionals in both federal and state courts for more than 20 years. The firm has achieved tremendous success in both criminal and civil cases. Mr. Garvin's law firm has all kinds of clients that include celebrities, public officials, businessmen, doctors, accountants, lawyers, corporations, brokerage firms, individual brokers, and numerous others.

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Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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