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Attorney Mark A. Ivener Recognized as an Immigration Super Lawyer

published September 01, 2009

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Attorney Mark A. Ivener was educated at the University of Illinois and received his B.A. in 1964. He graduated from the U.C.L.A. Law School with his J.D. in 1967 and was admitted to the California Bar in 1968. Over the past 35 years Attorney Mark A. Ivener has almost exclusively been an Immigration Lawyer. He lectures on U.S. immigration law for the World Trade Institute, the International Bar Association and the American Immigration Lawyers Association. He has authored many books that include:

Handbook of Immigration Law, Volumes I & II
Doing Business in the USA under Free Trade
Get the Right Visa; A Complete Guide to Getting An American Visa
Have You Thought About Immigrating to the U.S.?

Attorney Mark A. Ivener Super Lawyer has written articles for the following legal publications:

International Law Journal
Canadian-American Bar Association Newsletter
Business and the Law

The immigration Attorney and Super Lawyer, Mark A. Ivener has received the highest rating given by the Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory. The same Law Directory has also selected Attorney Mark A. Ivener to the ''Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers'' for his work in Immigration Law.

Attorney Mark A. Ivener Super Lawyer is Helping Corporations Attract International Talent
Since the global economy has heightened the risks in immigration law, domestic companies face a shortage of employees with proper experience. They seek the properly experienced employees from other countries. Overseas businesses are expanding by transferring their experienced employees to U.S. corporations. These U.S. and international companies call on Mark A. Ivener, Super Lawyer, to deal with U.S. immigration obstacles to getting work visas needed in the U.S.

Asylum & Refugee Issues

Attorney Mark A. Ivener provides assistance to shorten the waiting period for immigrants with asylum and refugee issues. The immigration law allows asylum to be granted to immigrants already in the U.S. or to immigrants who are unable to return to their country because of a well-founded fear or persecution because of race, nationality, religion or a alliance with a group with a political opinion counter to the government. When Attorney Ivener's applicant is given asylum the grantee is allowed to work and live in the United States. The applicant can apply for permanent resident status after one year of being granted asylum with which Ivener can also be helpful for a speedy process.

Attorney Mark A. Ivener's immigration law firm, Ivener & Fullmer LLP ., has an immigration practice around the world from its office in Los Angeles, California, and offices in New York, Vancouver, Canada and Tokyo, Japan. Attorneys at the office of Ivener & Fullmer, LLP are fluent in Japanese, Chinese, Farsi, Spanish and French. Ivener and Fullmer LLP is located at:

Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2280, Los Angeles, California 90025

Super Lawyers magazine has honored Attorney Mark A. Ivener as Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2009. Ivener was the only immigration attorney named in the Top 100 Wealth Advisers. The list is compiled annually by Citywealth Magazine Leaders List.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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