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Lewis & Clark Law School - The leader in Animal Law Studies

published July 28, 2009

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Lewis and Clark Law School was established in 1844 in Portland, Oregon and later became known as the Lewis & Clark Law School. The Lewis & Clark Law School is a leader in Animal Law Studies, Environmental Law, Native American Indian law and Intellectual Property Law. The Law School had its beginnings in 1844 and was officially going to be moved to Eugene, but professors fought the move and in 1965 the Law School became part of Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon. Today the Law School offers a daytime program with 3 years to graduate and an evening program with 4 years to graduate. There are 719 students enrolled and the annual tuition for days is $31,500 and evening class tuition is about $23,000.

Law Students at Lewis & Clark Law School have many opportunities to delve into special legal interests by joining organizations that begin their involvement for current and future professional development. Here are just of few of the organizational memberships available for Law Students:

  • Women's Law Caucus
  • Latino Law Society
  • Native American Law Student Association
  • Student Animal Legal Defense Fund
  • American Constitution Society
  • Business Law Society
  • Environmental Law Caucus
  • Environmental Justice Advocates
  • Intellectual Property Student Organization
  • J. Reuben Clark Law Society
  • National Lawyers Guild
  • Public Interest Law Project
  • Student Bar Association

Law Student housing is provided by the school which is within walking distance. This housing is rented by the room. Portland is often ranked as one of the most pleasant living locations in the nation. Housing is plentiful with several nice neighborhoods to choose from. Housing can be easily located online and the Law School provides resources to get you in touch with close by apartment living. Most Law Students live within 3 miles of the Lewis & Clark Law School, the leader in Animal Law Studies.

Here are some interesting facts about the student make up in the Law School. About 47% are women and 17% are ethnic minorities. Only 33 % are residents of Oregon and the Law School attracts 57% of its student’s from beyond the Oregon State Lines. Lewis & Clark Law School is the leader in Animal Law Studies and ranks in the top 25% of all American Board Association accredited Law schools. The average GPA needed for entrance to Lewis & Clark Law School from undergraduate work is 3.32. Financial Aid is available to Law Students and about 91% of the student body receives financial assistance.

The Lewis & Clark Law School is most proud of its recent Center for Animal Law Studies. The Center was conceived to be a think tank with hopes of becoming the nations covering body for the most premier animal law program. In addition to being a think tank it is a training ground for animal rights lawyers. Currently the Center for Animal Law Studies is the only one in the world.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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