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Attorney Roy Black A Trial Attorney Setting Young Lives in the Right Direction

published July 07, 2009

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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<<Attorney Roy Black was born in New York, NY in 1945. He did his undergraduate work at the University of Miami in 1967. He then completed his law degree at the University of Miami in 1970. In the same year he took the bar exam and scored the highest on that exam in Florida. He worked in Dade County Florida for five years as a public defender. As a defender he provided defense for clients involved in murder charges and drug smuggling charges. He also was involved in defending clients for securities, fraud and money laundering. Roy Black wrote a book entitled ''Black's Law.'' The book reveals strategies he used when defending some of his well known trial cases.

He then became a partner in his own law firm, Black, Srebnick, Kornspan & Stumpf, P.A. He has practiced as a trial attorney for 35 years and has been recognized in The Top Lawyers of America which is a guide to the best talent in different legal fields. Attorney Roy Black also serves as a legal analyst for NBC news and comments on the latest cases in the news. Roy Black is a guest legal commentator for national television network news on CBS, CNN and FOX.

Attorney Roy Black has been awarded many times in his long career. He won the Nelson Poynter Award by American Civil Liberties Unions because he provided defense of Death Row prisoners in Florida. In 1991 he received the Criminal Justice Award and from his college alumni, the University of Miami, he was awarded the William R. Butler Community Service Award. Black has been listed in ''The Best Lawyers in America'' for more than 20 years now. Here is a list of other awards bestowed by his peers and the community.

Top White Collar Lawyer in US, 2006, 2007
''Florida Legal Elite,'' 2004
''Super Lawyer,''
Florida Super Lawyers, 2006
''Top Lawyer in South Florida''

Roy Black teaches law students at the University Of Miami School Of Law in advanced criminal evidence. He has been teaching at the University for over 30 years. He also contributes back to his community as he and his wife host a charity ball for ICARE Bay Point Schools, Inc. Last year the charity ball raised over two million dollars for the boarding school. It is a special school that rehabilitates juvenile delinquents with attention to education, leadership and accountability.

The generous donations to ICARE Bay Point Schools, Inc. allow the school to offer activities and opportunities to the students that they probably wouldn't have received otherwise. There are four areas that the school emphasizes for students: academics, athletics, socialization and vocations. The boarding school incorporates positive peer pressure and strict discipline. Students are rewarded for good behavior. The success rate at this boarding school is miraculous. More than 90% of the students finish high school and become employed in vocational occupations. Many students go on to finish college degrees and enter the work force as professionals. Congratulations to Attorney Roy Black, his firm and his wife Lea for their efforts to support the ICARE Bay Point Schools. Perhaps his community spirit for setting lives of young teens in the right direction is one of his biggest achievements.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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