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Basic Requirements and qualifications necessary for a Paralegal

published June 22, 2009

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Online schools offer the convenience that is not found in a more traditional school setting. The flexibility of online schools means that people can study to be a paralegal any time of the day or night. Whatever works best for the student is fine with the school as long as all work is submitted on time.

Even though there are a lot of traditional schools and even online schools that are offering schooling to become a paralegal, there are no requirements at a national level for this type of career. In fact, there are a lot of states that do not even have any certification for paralegals in place. There are four different types of paralegal certification that are available in some areas, but they are completely voluntary. There is the American Alliance Certified Paralegal, the Certified Legal Assistant, the PACE Registered Paralegal, and the Professional Paralegal.

While it may be nice to have a certification to show potential employers, not everyone will have access to one. There are only a few states that have these voluntary certifications: Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Delaware, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, and Texas. Even though these certificates are completely voluntary, many potential employers like to see their applications with at least one of these certifications. Not everyone starting out can take their pick of the various types of paralegal certifications. Some certifications require that a person hold a certain number of years of experience before qualifying.

The PACE, otherwise known as the Paralegal Advance Competency Exam, will test paralegals on development of client matter, legal research, legal writing, and office administration. The average length of this exam is four hours and it is given at Sylvan Centers all over the country. Individuals can take this after his or her online course education as there is an educational and experience requirement for this exam.

The Certified Legal Assistance exam does not have an experience requirement unless the paralegal does not have a paralegal degree either from a traditional school or from online schools. Those working in the field without a degree will have to have at least seven years of experience in order to take this exam.

The Professional Paralegal exam does not have an education requirement but a person must have some experience. In order to take this exam, a paralegal must have at least five years experience. And then there is the American Alliance Certified Paralegal, which does not require an exam but it does require education and experience in the field.

There are a lot of different things to consider if you want to get involved in the paralegal field and earn a certification. Most of the time, you will have to meet a certain level of experience in order to obtain any sort of certification. This means you may not have to pay for any online courses. Simply find an entry-level position and work your way up. After enough years pass you will be able to obtain your voluntary certification. Once you have that voluntary certification you will be able to get higher paying jobs.

If you are interested in more information regarding your state and what certifications are generally asked for from potential employers in your area, just do a little research on the Internet. Before you know it, you will have all of the information you need and you will be well on your way to working in the career of your choice.
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