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How to Become a Bankruptcy Lawyer

published June 16, 2009

( 292 votes, average: 4.2 out of 5)

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When it comes to selecting a career that will not only be personal rewarding but financially rewarding as well, your best bet is to become an attorney. But it is not as simple as that. An attorney is not just an attorney, so it is important to make sure that you know just what field it is that you want to get involved in. The law is complex, and because of this, there are lawyers for just about every type of problem that could ever come about. Many people find that becoming a bankruptcy attorney is a safe way to go with it still being a high-paying job that comes along with the ability to help people.
How to Become a Bankruptcy Lawyer

Many people think that because of the personal problems they have had with debt, or the problems they watched their parents suffer through with a lot of debt, that this type of law is something that they would do well in. Everyone understands the pain of personal debt, so when an attorney is able to specialize in this type of law, they are usually able to relate with their clients like no one else could. Helping people to finally be able to relax and not have to go to bed and wake up worrying on a daily basis is a good feeling.

But how does one become a bankruptcy attorney? The first thing that you will need to have is an undergraduate degree, preferably one that is pre-law. If you already have your college degree and it is in another field, you may still have the right education to move on to law school. If not, you may have to take additional classes in order to earn enough of the correct credits to graduate with a degree in pre-law. Once that is done and over with it will be time for law school.
Interested in these kinds of jobs? Click here to find Bankruptcy jobs.

If you are still in school and in your junior or senior year, or even if you are out already, it is time to start preparing for your LSAT, which is short for Law School Admission Test. There are plenty of courses out there that a person preparing to become an attorney could take and there are also a lot of books that can be purchased and used to study with. The higher the score you receive on your LSAT the better chance you will have at getting accepted into the law school of your choice. If you fail it, do not worry, because you can take it again. Just make sure that you are studying for it much harder the second time around.

The next thing that you will want to do is to apply for law school. You will probably want to make sure that you are keeping your LSAT and GPA scores in mind when you are pondering which schools you should apply to and which ones you should probably just pass on. This will save you a lot of time and heartache. Once you are in law school you will find yourself there for three years. A good way to help pass the time and to gain experience is to get involved as an intern at a local bankruptcy office.

Once you have graduated and passed your bar exam you can then become a practicing bankruptcy attorney. You can join the ranks with an already established bankruptcy law firm or you could start your own. When starting out, you may want to consider working for an already established law firm in order to gain more experience and a good reputation. After a couple of years, you should have no problem feeling confident enough to set out on your own and become an attorney with your own practice.

Even though the schooling and the internship may seem like it takes a long time, it will all move really fast. If you think back three years, it will probably seem just like yesterday. And that is what it will feel like once you have graduated from law school and started practicing as an attorney. If this is something that you are dedicated to dong, then there is no better time than now to get started. The sooner you begin your schooling the sooner you will be an actual attorney.

Interested in these kinds of jobs? Click here to find Bankruptcy jobs.

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