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How to make a smooth exit from your job and part as good friends

published December 30, 2008

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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The feelings and emotions that people feel when they reach this point in the job search can be a difficult to deal with. For some, the hard part is trying to control themselves from jumping up and down while they give their recognition. But for others, quitting can be intimidating or even somewhat sad. Read on to learn about some tips that can help you end your employment on a positive note, with grace and with dignity.

Be 100% Confident in Your Decision

This may seem like a no-brainer, but be sure that you have considered all of the consequences of leaving your position before taking the plunge. For example, will your new benefits be as good at your new job as that are at your current job? Will you be taking a step down, or step up with your new responsibilities? Be sure that you know the answers to questions like these beforehand, and that you feel absolutely, 100% confident in your decision before breaking the news to anyone. Even if you are extremely professional and take all of the necessary steps to resign properly, many employers will likely ''pass'' on rehiring you if you decide after just a few weeks at your new job that you have made a mistake in quitting your old one.

Be Ready for a Quick Get-Away

Depending on the employer, some may ask that once you give your notice, you vacate the premise immediately. This may be due to certain policies, security, or maybe just the simple fact that they are too prideful to allow you to carry out the length of your notice. This scenario, isn't very common, but, it's best to be prepared if it comes up. Have your work area cleared of all of your personal belongings, and don't forget to delete any personal information that you have on your computer. Erase any family pictures on your screen saver, and disable the computer from instantly signing you into your email account (you never know who will be checking your email once you're gone!).

Bite Your Tongue!

Maybe you are making this big change due to your bad boss, or some coworkers whom you didn't work well with. Don't think that giving your resignation is the perfect time to tell them off and make a dramatic exit. Remember that even though you are leaving, how you act and what you say may (and probably will) come back to haunt you. You just never know what your future may hold and whom you may re-cross paths with! Before you go to give your resignation to your employer, take a deep breath. Thank him or her for the opportunity to gain experience with the company. Be gracious, and avoid petty or negative comments.

Give Enough Notice

If you have a contract that states how much notice is required, abide by it. Otherwise, two weeks' notice is what experts consider standard. In the mean time, offer to help train your replacement, or to create detailed instructions for whomever will take over your work. If that is not necessary or something you can complete in the time frame, use the time to tie up loose ends related to major projects or assignments. Remember that if you give two weeks' notice, you need to stay with the employer for the duration of the two weeks. It is not considered acceptable to say you will stay for two weeks and then to take half of the time off for vacation or sick time. Continue to work hard during your last days with your current employer, so that you can leave on a positive note!

Important Final Details

You may want to meet with your HR department to discuss any outstanding or stored-up salary, sick days, vacation days, compensation, or bonuses you have left. Also, it may be necessary for you to sign COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) forms to prolong your insurance coverage.

Don't forget to turn in any keys, badges, phones, computers, or documents in your possession that belong to the company.

Finally, write a letter of resignation stating your name, supervisor, title, and the last day you will be employed by the company, and send a copy to your supervisor and the HR department.

Again, remember to leave on a positive note, and plan to keep in touch with important coworkers, supervisors, etc., to maintain a strong network of contacts.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

More about Harrison

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