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Eavesdropping Allowed?

published March 04, 2008

By Author - LawCrossing
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The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Representative Silvestre Reyes, isn't sure yet how the House will vote; however, he said, "I have an open mind about [the bill]."

"We are talking to the representatives from the communications companies because if we're going to give them blanket immunity, we want to know and we want to understand what it is that we're giving immunity for," said Reyes, who believes a vote is soon to come.

However, House Representative Roy Blunt isn't as "optimistic yet."

"I am committed to the idea that we have to work this out. It's easy to solve this problem if the Democrats decide they want to solve it. The Senate proved it was easy, and enough Democrats in the House believe it's easy that it's just up to the leaders to do this."

If the expired bill is renewed, the government will have an easier time spying "on foreign phone calls and e-mails that pass through the United States" without court approval, says the Associated Press. And according to the president, if the bill remains expired, it could create a "national security risk."
