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Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Fined and Sentenced

published February 21, 2008

By Author - LawCrossing
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What appears to have happened is this: Reverend Dear and eight others occupied an elevator in Senator Pete Domenici's Santa Fe, New Mexico, office for more than five hours back in 2006, refusing to leave even after the power to the elevator was cut.

Reverend Dear and his attorney tried to portray the reverend as a peaceful man and an heir of Ghandi — but the judge didn't buy it. The judge called him a "renegade priest," "a coward," and "no Ghandi."

Judge Svet also said this to him: "Mr. Dear, you frankly are a phony. You preach nonviolence, but you are the same man who took a hammer and a can of paint against a U.S. aircraft."

Judge Svet had stated that while it was the protestors' right to seek redress from Senator Domenici, they did not have a right to break the law while doing so.

The Reverend Dear is not contesting the charges.

Who knew that nonviolence and the peace movement involved destroying other people's property in a violent fashion? This apparently is the core of the reverend's call to action: actively destroy and interfere with actions he disagrees with, even if it breaks the law.
