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The Case of the Naked Cowboy and the Naked M&M

published February 18, 2008

By Author - LawCrossing
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Naked Cowboy's been a Times Square regular for many years, and he's become a kind of icon — so much so that Mars Inc., the makers of M&M's-brand candy, took one of their animated M&M characters and dressed it in a getup similar to the naked cowboy's trademark outfit, then broadcast it on a video bulletin board.

The cowboy, whose name is actually Robert Burck, was at first amused, until he realized that all his years of work building the image were being used by Mars Inc. The quote: "All I've got is my underwear. It's the most brilliant thing that's ever been created from a marketing perspective. You can't stop it."

So he sued Mars Inc. for $6 million. And while the case hasn't been decided, Mars has dropped its Naked M&M from its video billboard program. As the Wall Street Journal stated, the Naked Cowboy has driven M&M outta Dodge.

Only time will tell if Naked Cowboy's legal briefs are tighter than his cotton briefs, though.
