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Scamming Law Clerks Can Cost You Your License

published February 11, 2008

By Author - LawCrossing
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The Massachusetts State Bar has disbarred Curry and Crossen for doing just that. Turns out the judge had decided against Curry's clients in a shareholder derivative case. Curry convinced his clients that the judge had "fixed" the case against them.

So, in order to investigate the possible bias, they found an old law clerk of the judge. They invited the clerk to an interview for a $90,000 per year job, where they questioned him about the judge. They then flew the clerk to Nova Scotia for a second interview, then to New York for a third one, all the while trying to get information about the judge to show bias.

Finally, it all came crashing down on Curry and Crossen, who reportedly threatened the law clerk with ethics complaints if he failed to substantiate their story.

The Massachusetts State Bar disbarred Curry and Crossen for egregious violations of the disciplinary rules.

Incredibly, the lawyer for Curry tried to claim the state bar acted improperly in punishing Curry and Crossen over this matter.

I would imagine that most attorneys would agree with the bar in this case.
