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The Life and Career of Jeannie Johnston creator of and

published October 15, 2007

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"On Yahoo! Groups there is [miscommunication], and some people would become offended at certain comments. I wanted to have the members put a face to the name and become less quick to get hostile," said founder and creator of MyParalegalSpace Jeannie Johnston. "I had a vision of [our site] to be more personable. [MyParalegalSpace] creates more of a community feel."

Johnston has been a paralegal for 16 years, and 11 years into her career, in October of 2001, she launched The site is dedicated to paralegals everywhere and has been a good source of news and resource for networking for people in the industry. On the site members can check out paralegal news and read up on the latest trends in the field.

"I created [the company] seven years ago, and through word of mouth we've grown to be the largest paralegal web team," says Johnston.

With "over 2,000 members" in its Yahoo! Groups, the site has slowly grown before Johnston's eyes.

"It has been a labor of love," she says. "I put a lot of time and money in it; I would literally stay up until 3:00 a.m. some nights [to get the site running]."

After ParalegalGateway took off and gained momentum, Johnston decided to create a site where paralegals could network and feel comfortable sharing personal information. Being an avid web surfer and a fan of MySpace, Johnston decided to take the next step.

Shortly after communicating with MySpace's creators and getting the okay, MyParalegalSpace was born. The site has only been in existence for two months, but it already has close to 400 members. Members can post pictures and blogs and connect with people in other fun ways, just as they can on

"Once you sign on, you are checked out [to make sure you are a member of the paralegal industry]," Johnston said regarding how the site avoids spammers and false members. She has high hopes for its future though and for

"I really just hope we [as paralegals] can continue to grow as a community. There is strength in numbers, and we need more credibility for the profession," Johnston says. "We strive to earn more money and eventually become a bigger site that benefits many paralegals everywhere."

Johnston also stresses that the site has not been directly advertising; rather, it has been getting popular through members and people learning about it.

"[Our goal] is not to make money out of paralegals. We want to help them progress in their careers," she explains.

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