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Pittsburg Attorney In the Doghouse

published August 29, 2007

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The attorney? Gregory Harbaugh of Houston Harbaugh.

According to an article on, "The suit claims that Harbaugh secured power-of-attorney status in a questionable circumstance against Rita Conrady, whose 'physical and mental condition made her an easy prey.'" Harbaugh also "breached his fiduciary obligations to both Conrady and to the originally named beneficiaries" and "diverted $1.2 billion from four charitable organizations to three other charitable organizations with which he or his wife has financial ties."

Conrady, who died last May, left about $10 million to various charities, says the article, including Animal Friends, the American Cancer Society, Geneva College, and the Humane Society of Western Pennsylvania.

Attorneys for the shelter "allege" that, around the time Conrady's health was failing, Harbaugh visited Conrady and asked her to sign some papers, "including a power of attorney appointing Harbaugh as her attorney." However, according to witnesses, Conrady "was under the influence of heavy medications when she signed them."

But the damage was done. Three days later and Harbaugh had already "reduced the amount to the four beneficiaries and added three new ones," states the article. Now, with the changes made, Animal Friends will only receive $500,000 instead of the allotted $1 million.

According to Animal Friends attorney Robert O. Lampl, "All we are trying to do is get our client what was rightfully theirs to begin with."
Gain an advantage in your legal job search. LawCrossing uncovers hidden positions that firms post on their own websites and industry-specific job boards—jobs that never appear on Indeed or LinkedIn. Don't miss out. Sign up now!
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