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Paralegals Living in a Digital World

published August 20, 2007

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<<Traci Robichaud, who teaches at Cuesta College in San Luis Obispo, California, and works as a contract paralegal for attorney Steve Ronca, said that technology will have an "enormous impact" in the classroom and in the paralegal industry in general. Some paralegals are even going back to school to enhance their online knowledge. The industry currently works with a variety of legal software programs, including fax and filing programs, and it is promoting the idea of going paperless. As a registered legal document assistant, Robichaud knows that the technology is evolving rather quickly, and she said paralegals and legal assistants need to be up to date on the latest trends in the industry.

"The use of technology in the legal profession has increased productivity and efficiency, enhanced system communication, and has made legal research easier," said Robichaud. "Paralegals who master technological skills will continue to be in high demand."

Robichaud, who has a legal studies degree, weighed in on the pros and cons of online courses and how they can prove to be effective or perhaps not quite as effective:

  • ensures that students earn their paralegal degrees in areas that don't offer paralegal programs, assuming they earn passing grades
  • promotes flexibility for those with busy lifestyles—you can work around family, work, and leisure time
  • offers students and paralegals the opportunity to learn at their own pace
  • ability to enroll in courses that might otherwise be closed in traditional classroom settings
  • supports early completion of an online paralegal degree or certificate
  • provides a substantial course selection for students to choose from
  • limited hands-on experience with legal-specific software and docket-control software programs
  • lack of support when studying, researching case law and statutes, preparing case briefs, and drafting motions
  • hinders social interaction and prevents immediate exchange of ideas
  • interaction between student and teacher (or boss and employee) is limited and lacks immediate feedback from instructor
  • leads to miscommunication online due to lack of nonverbal communication cues
  • promotes social isolation—paralegals need to learn how to communicate effectively with staff, attorneys, and clients
  • recognition of a paralegal online institution may not be valued amongst some attorneys—they want the practical, hands-on experience
  • more difficult to obtain funds (scholarships and grants) for online paralegal degree programs
  • lack of accredited online paralegal degrees (ABA approved)
Who should take online classes?
  • potential students or legal members who do not have access to a paralegal program
  • potential students or legal members who have excellent writing and analytical skills
  • potential students or legal members who have busy schedules that demand flexibility
  • potential students or legal members who intend on securing employment in either a corporation or a medium-sized or large firm
  • potential students or legal members who are motivated and dedicated to the program
As a professor, Robichaud is partial to in-class instruction but understands the need for advancement in the digital age.

"Technology is imperative to the survival of every law practice. Therefore, paralegals must develop these skills in order to succeed," said Robichaud. "Especially as the paralegal profession continues to grow and competition for jobs increases, becoming computer savvy will boost their chances of becoming a sought-after commodity."
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