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Bush Pushes Immigration Bill

published June 06, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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The article goes on to say that immigrants seeking a green card would also have to "pay another fine, learn English, return to their home country, and wait in line. The plan also would create a guest worker program. It would allow foreign laborers to come to the U.S. for temporary stints, yet with no guarantee they can eventually gain citizenship."

At the Training Center, Bush asked skeptical Americans who don't believe the government can fix the problem to "give us a chance to fix the problems in a comprehensive way that enforces our border and treats people with decency and respect. Give us a chance to fix this problem. Don't try to kill this bill before it gets moving."

The bill would also increase border fencing, vehicle barriers at the Southern border, the size of the Border Patrol, and more, states an article on
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