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McCarter & English forms climate change law group

published April 25, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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McCarter & English forms climate change law group

Newark-based McCarter & English LLP has recently formed a Climate Change and Renewable Energy Group. The Group will offer legal and business advice to industries about the risks and opportunities associated with climate change.

The firm's decision to form the specific unit is based on its assumption that climate change is going to alter the environment drastically. The firm views climate change not as a separate stream of new regulation but an economic and social upsurge that will transform many industries. The firm anticipates that the climate change will also fetch many opportunities along with problems.

The Group will advise the firm's clients on energy-related regulatory conformity, financial disclosure, and tax plan. It will deal with issues such as establishing corporate carbon footprints, analyzing business risks, foreseeing insurance coverage issues, preparing for emissions trading, and managing "green building" formation. The Group will also take part in the process of evolving public policy on the matter.
The Group, developed over the past six months, will be chaired by J. Wylie Donald and Stephen Humes. The Group comprises lawyers from several offices and legal disciplines within the firm, including Paul Cellucci, a former U.S. ambassador to Canada and governor of Massachusetts, among others.

Brown Rudnick acquires tech edge
International law firm Brown Rudnick Berlack Israels, LLP, has chosen an applications plan from Satori Group to streamline its budgeting, forecasting, and reporting processes.

Realizing the limitations of its current processes, Brown Rudnick sought an ability to report on all facets of the firm's operating expenses, revenues, and forecasting. Satori i-Performance Planning is an answer to the firm's search for an application which can keep its strategic planning on track. Satori i-Plan comprises of forecasting and multicurrency budgeting, reporting, and foundational legal data warehouse.

The legal-specific content along with easily configurable format of the Plan will enable Brown Rudnick meet its project goals with a reduction in time, labor, and errors in the budgeting process. The Plan will also integrate, automate, and enhance the firm's reporting capabilities. In addition, the firm will enhance its ability to respond quickly and accurately to key demand drivers as they swing.


Typing is out! Texting is in!!
How long do you take to read the word "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?" This 13-year-old took 15 seconds to type it. No, not on the keyboard but on a cell phone.

The nation's first text messaging competition was organized by LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A., Inc. on Saturday at the Roseland Ballroom in New York City. Morgan Pozgar from Claysburg, PA, won $25,000 for accurately texting "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious. If you say it loud enough you'll always sound precocious" in 42 seconds. Nearly 300 contestants typed the phrase on their QWERTY keypad mobile devices in the LG National Texting Championship. Conditions: the contestants were asked to type the phrase that appeared on the LG plasma screens without any typo or abbreviations. The winner from each pool qualified to the next level. Pozgar beat 21-year-old West Coast champion Eli Tirosh. Pozgar claims to text an average of 8,000 messages a month to friends and family.

The Judge calculated. 8,000 messages, which means nearly 267 messages per day! Assuming she sleeps for 8 hours, for the remaining 16 hours a day, she texts 17 messages per hour. Or a message in every 3.5 minutes! Whew!!! All that texting during first, second, third, fourth period, during lunch, after lunch, final period, has finally paid off for Morgan Pozgar. Judge feels sad: this kid earned nearly half the Judge's salary in less than a minute!
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