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Seven Steps to Negotiating Like a Pro

published April 23, 2007

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<<People may choose not to negotiate when they believe their bargaining power is not relatively equal to that of the other side. This inequity may be real or imagined. If the other side has no reason to give you what you want, negotiation is a waste of time. However, before you decide to shun the bargaining table, make sure that you have accurately assessed the division of power.

Once you have decided to negotiate, there are seven steps you need to follow to increase your chances of success.

Step one to negotiating like a pro is recognizing the need to negotiate. You should negotiate in order to get some or all of what you want from a decision maker.

The second step is defining your goals. If you don't know and can't articulate exactly what you want, you will never get it. Additionally, you must know ahead of time how much you are willing to concede—where your "bottom line" lies.

Step three requires you to negotiate from a position of strength—strength you determined you had before you began the process. Use your leverage wisely if you want to engage in successful negotiations. You should have a clearly defined set of options that you are ready and willing to implement. If you don't, any skilled negotiator will pick up on the fact that you have no other options and use it against you.

Step four is planning your strategy. Success in anything requires good planning, and successful negotiation is no different. Logically stating the facts is rarely enough; what's more important is how you present them. Determining this in advance will boost your confidence and help you to counteract anxiety.

The fifth step is tackling the easiest things first. Begin with points upon which both sides can, for the most part, agree. You can create momentum by acquiescing to some of the simpler points of contention with which you can live. Encourage the other side to do the same in order to establish a positive environment and present yourself as a reasonable negotiator.

Step six requires you to be clear about what you are looking for in an outcome. State your position clearly and succinctly. Then, listen politely and with respect to the other side's reply. Be willing to seriously consider any counter offers or differing opinions. It is also wise to be flexible; you might end up getting even more than you asked for.

The seventh step involves staying positive and phrasing your arguments as positively as possible. If you must make a negative statement, make sure that it is clear and does not come across like a personal attack.

Successful negotiators always pay close attention to the other person's position; the way in which it is presented can provide additional insight into his or her perspective and the approach you should take. If you practice these seven steps faithfully, you will be well on your way to negotiating success.

published April 23, 2007

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