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SC Senate to Vote on Change to Abortion Procedure

published April 13, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing
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The proposed law would require abortion clinics to show patients an ultrasound photo of their babies before the patient could continue on with the procedure. However, while an employee of the clinic must offer to show the patient the ultrasound, the patient does not have to accept the offer. According to South Carolina Attorney General Henry McMaster, the fact that the patient can refuse is the part of the law that keeps it constitutional.

As anticipated, pro-abortion groups are not happy about the proposed legislation, and they've taken out ads in local newspapers to advertise their unhappiness. However, some say the ads are not accurate.

"The big lie that the pro-aborts are spreading is that the legislation forces a woman to look at the ultrasound. Anyone who has read the bill even once knows this is not the case," Holly Gatling, Director of South Carolina Citizens for Life, told

"The abortion industry's militant opposition to the ultrasound bill is an indication the pro-aborts are terrified of any discussion of the humanity of the unborn child," she said. "When a pregnant woman chooses life, the abortionist loses money."

South Carolina's governor, Mark Sanford, has made it known that he will sign the bill into law if the Senate approves it. In fact, Sanford sent a statement to legislators saying:

"I believe life is sacred, and in the debate over when life begins, I believe that as a society we should always err on the side of life. This new ultrasound requirement is an important one in that I think it has the potential to lessen the number of abortions carried out in South Carolina."
