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Florida Governor Fights on Behalf of Felons

published April 10, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing
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( 8 votes, average: 4 out of 5)
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One of the major problems with the current system is that once prisoners are released, they rarely go through the trouble of getting their voting rights back because the process is so complicated. Because of this, Florida has the highest number of disenfranchised former offenders.

"I believe in my heart that everybody deserves a second chance," Crist told the New York Times. "And I'm hopeful that maybe later this week we'll have an opportunity to restore civil rights for Floridians and give them that right to vote."

Crist, although extremely passionate about the initiative, is also realistic in his thinking. He understands that he has to be ready to compromise if he wants to gain the cabinet's support. For this reason, he is ready to make it a requirement that felons pay back any type of restitution they owe to their victims upon release in order to receive their voting rights.

"I want to do the doable," he was reported as saying. "I'm pushing as hard as I can to get as much as I can, but there's a point beyond which I cannot go."

While it would take amending the constitution to officially put an end to the current law, the clemency board (made up of the governor and cabinet) does have the authority to state that everyone who serves their time has clemency.

published April 10, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing
( 8 votes, average: 4 out of 5)
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