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Rutgers School of Law-Newark, Newark, NJ

published February 26, 2007

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The university offers more than 100 bachelor's, 100 master's, and 80 doctoral and professional degree programs across 175 academic departments, 16 of which offer graduate programs of study. In the 2006 U.S. News & World Report ranking of American national universities, Rutgers was ranked as the third-best public university in the Northeastern United States.

Rutgers' motto, Sol iustitiae et occidentem illustra, "Sun of righteousness, shine upon the West also," is derived from the motto of the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, which is Sol Iustitiae Illustra Nos, "Sun of Justice, shine upon us."

Rutgers School of Law-Newark, located minutes from the Center for Law and Justice, is situated in Newark's cultural center. New York City is 20 minutes away; Philadelphia is one hour away. Newark and the surrounding area are home to many of the state's and nation's leading law firms—and considerable employment opportunities.

The Newark campus consists of eight undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools, including the Newark College of Arts and Sciences, University College, Graduate School, College of Nursing, Rutgers Business School, School of Criminal Justice, School of Law, and School of Public Affairs and Administration. As of 2006, 6,513 undergraduates and 3,733 graduate students were enrolled at the Newark campus.

The Rutgers University library system consists of 26 libraries and centers located on the university's three campuses, housing a collection of more than 10.5 million items, including 3,522,359 volumes, 4,517,726 microforms, 2,544,126 documents, and subscriptions to 42,875 periodicals. Rutgers' system ranks among the nation's top research libraries. The American Library Association ranks it as the 44th-largest library in the U.S.

Rutgers University offers a variety of housing options. While dorms and apartments are available at Rutgers-Newark, many students attending Rutgers are commuters and are enrolled on a part-time basis.

Rutgers hosts more than 700 student organizations covering a wide range of interests. The university is home to chapters of many Greek organizations, and a significant percentage of the undergraduate student body is active in Greek life.

Rutgers charges two separate rates for tuition and fees, depending on whether a student is a resident of New Jersey. The Office of Institutional Research and Academic Planning has estimated that an in-state, undergraduate, on-campus student attending Rutgers would pay $18,899, while a graduate student with the same specifications would pay $22,395. Out-of-state undergraduate and graduate students would respectively pay $26,497 and $27,476.

Most law students are eligible for and will receive financial aid packages to cover educational expenses. Applicants and students must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) with the U.S. Department of Education. According to the university, the FAFSA is a need-analysis tool developed by the Department of Education and is the only financial information required by the law school. To fill out and submit a FAFSA via the Internet, go to

Employment opportunities for law students abound in Rutgers' Fall Recruitment Program, with more than 100 employers conducting interviews at the law school or collecting resumes from students. Another way to seek employment by way of campus resources is to access its bank of current job postings. Available through a web-based program offered by eAttorney, the bank allows students and graduates to view more than 1,500 job listings posted annually. In addition, students can attend numerous law-based job fairs, apply to the Judicial Clerkship Program, or take advantage of a wide-ranging variety of externships, internships, fellowships, and summer-placement programs. Legal clinics available through Rutgers include Law School, Child Advocacy, Community Law, Constitutional Litigation, Environmental Law, Federal Tax Law, Special Education, Urban Legal, and Women's Rights Litigation.

Of the graduates reporting their status to the university in 2006, 93% of the class of 2005 was employed. Nine students were not seeking employment, and six students were unemployed and still seeking positions; nearly 100% of those who reported were employed.

Starting salaries for graduates vary widely. The range of salaries reported for the class of 2005 within the four major job categories is as follows:

Private practice: $35,000-$140,000

Government: $46,000-$64,000

Business: $68,000-$110,000

Public interest: $40,000-$65,000
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