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Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP

published February 19, 2007

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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The firm has offices in Los Angeles, New York City, Palo Alto, Orange County, Sacramento, Albany, and Washington, DC. Through these offices, Manatt offers its clients services from a wide variety of legal areas including advertising, healthcare, insurance, intellectual property, music, motion pictures and television, and venture capital, to name a few.

"We are proud to represent a sophisticated client base in a range of industries including consumer goods and services, energy and natural resources, entertainment, media and advertising, financial services, healthcare, real estate, technology, and transportation," the firm's website states.

In addition to priding itself on its services, Manatt is proud of its attorneys, who come to the firm from all walks of life.

"Our professionals are interesting—they come from large cities and small towns, from around the country and around the world; they have studied as Rhodes Scholars, played in jazz clubs, written books, served in the armed forces, built businesses, and played high-level sports," the firm's website boasts.

When it comes to gender and ethnic diversity, Manatt is committed to being a place where everyone is welcome. The firm's philosophy is to "include women and minority lawyers at all levels of firm leadership and promote diversity in the legal profession through our support and active involvement in various minority civic and bar organizations."

In fact, the firm is so big on promoting diversity that it has been recognized for its commitment to diversity in the workplace in numerous surveys conducted by publications, such as American Lawyer's "Diversity Scorecard" and Multi Cultural Magazine's "2005 Top Law Firms for Diversity" list.

Interested in working for Manatt? The firm looks for attorneys with "creativity, entrepreneurial energy, initiative, independence, and willingness to assume responsibility." In addition, the firm looks for summer associates who are interested in pro bono work, are committed to diversity, and work well in an environment where they are given individual assignments and are later evaluated on their work. When it comes to legal staff professionals at Manatt, "valued" is a word that comes to mind. The firm understands how to best utilize these talented professionals and provides them with all the latest technology and the best opportunities so that they can reach their full potentials.

"Law practice can be intense and demanding. We hire quality people who excel in the face of challenge; however, we also have lives outside of law. We recognize the importance of our families," the firm's website states. "We encourage all at Manatt to do pro bono work and to volunteer for programs that enrich the lives of other people and the communities we serve. Manatt is widely recognized as a progressive firm where a strong sense of what's
right—for our clients, our communities, and our people—is the foundation of our culture."

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

More about Harrison

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