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Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton welcomes Don J. Pelto to its intellectual property group in Washington, DC

published February 06, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton welcomes Don J. Pelto to its intellectual property group in Washington, DC
Don J. Pelto has joined the Washington, DC, office of Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton, LLP, as a partner in the firm's intellectual property practice group. Pelto and his team of intellectual property specialists who joined Sheppard Mullin with him most recently practiced with Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates Ellis in Washington, DC. He specializes in intellectual property and patent litigation, representing domestic and international clients in intellectual property litigation, counseling, and procurement. Specifically, Pelto has experience with technological developments in the fields of molecular biology, pharmaceuticals, bioinformatics, pharmaceutical small molecules, diagnostics, and chemi-informatics, as well as software, medical products, and devices.

Cozen O'Connor adds associate Robert G. Katz to its West Conshohocken, PA, office
Robert G. Katz recently joined Cozen O'Connor's West Conshohocken office as an associate in the firm's general litigation department. Prior to joining the firm, he was Chief Staff Attorney to the Honorable Sandra Schultz Newman of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Katz has extensive experience in the preparation of drafts of opinions related to criminal, civil, administrative, and domestic relations matters, including capital cases, contracts, torts, zoning and land use planning, workers' compensation, governmental and sovereign immunity, and spousal and child support matters.

John H. Holley joins Shutts & Bowen as an attorney and governmental affairs consultant in its Tallahassee office
Tallahassee lawyer John H. Holley, former Deputy Secretary and Chief of Staff of the Florida Department of Management Services, has joined the Florida law firm of Shutts & Bowen, LLP, as an attorney and governmental affairs consultant in the firm's Tallahassee office. In this capacity, he will represent clients before the Florida Legislature, Florida Cabinet, and state agencies. Before joining Shutts & Bowen, Holley had a distinguished career during which he directed several areas of the Florida Department of Management Services (DMS), the administrative arm of the state government.
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