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January 15 2007 Legal Blog Roundup

published January 15, 2007

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What embodies the spirit of legal blogging more than debating the future of legal blogs? I can't think of anything more to the point than that. This week, Human Law addressed this hot topic: "Will the number of lawyers who blog drastically increase in the near future?" Only time will tell…but for my sake, I can only hope so; the more legal blogs there are out there, the more fun my job becomes!

Inside Legal Blogs

If that's not exciting enough for you, don't worry; there's far more scandalous stuff to discuss this week. For example, Above the Law covered the very juicy topic of whether former Chief Justice William Rehnquist was addicted to painkillers. Reports claim that at one point, he was taking three times the prescribed dose of Placidyl. Even better, once, while in the hospital, Rehnquist tried to escape in his pajamas. Somehow, I never pegged Rehnquist as the type to have these kinds of issues…Scalia, maybe, but not Rehnquist. But we've got to hand it to him…for a guy who was that hopped up on painkillers, he really held it together on the bench.

Finally, let's move on to the sexy legal story of the week. Have you ever found yourself at Bar Revue wanting to chat up that cute new 1L but at a loss for words? Look no further. The Unreasonable Man has got your back. This week, he revealed some very classy legal pickup lines. My personal favorite: "Baby, after looking at you, I'm changing from a soft textualist into a hard textualist." Now if that won't get you any action, I don't know what will.

I hope you've found this week's article salacious enough to last you until next week's article, because that's all I've got. See you next week!

published January 15, 2007

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