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Enhance Your Legal Career: Learn How to Make the Most of Working at McDermott Will & Emery

published March 05, 2023

( 109 votes, average: 4.7 out of 5)

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McDermott Will & Emery is a premier law firm dedicated to providing exemplary legal services to their clients. Founded in 1934, the firm has grown to become one of the largest and most respected law firms in the world. McDermott boasts a comprehensive practice that spans all industries, from banking and finance to energy and real estate. The firm also has a strong presence throughout the United States, as well as international offices in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

McDermott Will & Emery has a long-standing commitment to excellence. This commitment is evident in every aspect of their practice, from the highly experienced and diverse teams to the innovative and cutting-edge legal solutions they provide. From the moment a client contacts the firm, they can expect outstanding service and results.

McDermott's attorneys possess a wealth of knowledge and experience that they employ to craft tailored solutions for each and every client. They have a strong international presence, with offices in London, Singapore, Tokyo, Dusseldorf, and other cities, giving them access to global resources. This allows them to develop sophisticated legal strategies that address the complexities of international business transactions.

The firm has also been recognized for its commitment to diversity and inclusion. They have created a range of initiatives to empower their lawyers and increase opportunities for underrepresented groups. Additionally, they have developed innovative programs to help their clients navigate the complex business environment.

McDermott Will & Emery is a go-to firm for the world's top companies, with the ability to provide comprehensive legal services in a range of areas. The firm's attorneys have a deep understanding of their clients' unique needs and provide innovative, cutting-edge advice to help them achieve their goals. From their commitment to excellence and diversity to their global presence and sophisticated legal services, McDermott Will & Emery is a premier law firm.

McDermott, Will & Emery – The World's Largest Legal Practice

McDermott, Will & Emery is a trusted name in the legal world. For more than a century, the firm has served clients worldwide with the highest quality legal representation. With offices in 20 cities across the United States and Europe, the firm provides a full range of services in corporate, securities, litigation, tax, labor, and employment law. It also has a strong presence in Asia and the Middle East.

History of McDermott, Will & Emery

McDermott, Will & Emery was founded in Chicago in 1934 by attorneys Charles M. McDermott and Edward F. Will. The two shared a vision of creating a legal practice that would offer clients personalized legal services. Over the years, the firm has grown to become the world's largest legal practice, providing the highest quality legal services to clients in more than 100 countries.

McDermott, Will & Emery's Model of Legal Representation

McDermott, Will & Emery's innovative model of legal representation is based on extensive experience and a culture of collaboration. The firm's lawyers use their extensive legal knowledge and business acumen to provide clients with counseling and advice in areas such as corporate, securities, tax, labor, and employment law. McDermott, Will & Emery also offers a full range of legal services in the areas of litigation, regulatory, intellectual property, antitrust and corporate governance.

McDermott, Will & Emery's Global Reach

McDermott, Will & Emery's global reach allows the firm to provide clients with the best legal representation in the world. With offices in 20 cities across the United States and Europe, the firm is able to provide clients with a wide range of legal services. Additionally, McDermott, Will & Emery has an expanding presence in Asia, South America and the Middle East, giving clients access to even more legal resources. The Chicago office is the flagship of McDermott, Will & Emery (McDermott). It is a solid, conservative firm which embodies the Midwestern values of the surrounding community. Outstanding client service is what built and continues to grow the firm. Situated between the Chicago River and Lake Michigan in Chicago's Financial District, McDermott is a powerhouse in the region. Vault has rated McDermott fifth overall in the Chicago area and seventh in tax as of 2003

Even though the firm handles all manners of legal services, the top three practice areas are trial, corporate/real estate, and tax, as evidenced by the number of attorneys appropriated to these departments. Recently, however, there has been an expansion in the intellectual property group. This has been marked by the acquisition of many highly regarded IP attorneys.

Two years ago, the firm implemented its Kids First Project, in which attorneys concentrate on matters involving education, such as registration and eligibility for immigrant/undocumented children. Additionally, attorneys are expected to devote 60 hours per year to pro bono representation. The Pro Bono Committee mandates this requirement and also guarantees that the work will be the same quality as that which is afforded to all other clients.

The Summer Associate Program offers law students the chance to participate in a realistic work environment (not filing and grunt work) and in turn receive constructive feedback. It also provides cross-training in many different practice areas, which assists future attorneys in choosing a specialty. An added bonus is the weekly night on the town. These law firm outings, which in Chicago have included White Sox games and Lake Michigan cruises, serve an important socialization function. They are also used to wine and dine the summer associates and show what that particular city has to offer.

Once the firm has decided to extend an offer, the fun and games are over; and odds are that the firm will aim to employ a high number of its summer associates. Of the 12 summer associates considered for employment in Chicago in 2003, all 12 were offered positions. The firm adheres to a minimum output of 2,000 billable hours for all attorneys, but there has been some dispute as to how many of these hours can be applied toward bonuses. This figure is reasonable and allows some semblance of an outside life, but one should expect to work hard and long.

In terms of base compensation, McDermott ranks among other top-tier firms. The bonus structure, though not available to the public, allows each individual associate's pay to be elevated to market level.
( 109 votes, average: 4.7 out of 5)
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