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How to Secure a Legal Position at Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP | LawCrossing's Guide

published March 01, 2023

( 123 votes, average: 4.7 out of 5)

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Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP is a premier international law firm with offices in more than 20 countries around the world. The firm specializes in a wide range of legal services, including corporate and securities law, financial services and tax, litigation, complex restructuring and bankruptcy, mergers and acquisitions, private equity, financial products, and real estate investments. The firm has earned a reputation as one of the most successful law firms in the world, representing clients across a wide range of industries and operating in nearly every legal field.

Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP is renowned for its expertise in corporate and securities law. The firm has represented a diverse array of clients in securities transactions, including initial public offerings, rights and public acquisitions, and mergers and acquisitions. The firm has also advised on a wide range of corporate finance matters, including capital raising, structured finance and credit facilities, and leveraged buyouts. In addition, the firm has extensive experience representing clients in antitrust matters, including advising on the formation of joint ventures and negotiating merger clearance agreements.

The firm's litigation practice is highly regarded, and it has won a number of awards for its exceptional success in the courtroom. The firm has represented clients in a wide range of matters, including class action, financial services and securities, antitrust, and intellectual property litigation, as well as complex bankruptcy proceedings. In addition, the firm has an experienced arbitration practice and has represented clients in major international arbitral proceedings.

Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP's tax practice provides clients with a full range of tax services, including planning strategies and advice on the tax treatment of transactions. The firm also provides advice and representation on state, local, and international tax issues, and assists with disputes before the IRS and state tax authorities. The firm's financial services practice is also highly regarded, with a focus on private transactions, mergers and acquisitions, public offerings, securitizations, structured finance, and derivatives transactions.

Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP is a leading international law firm offering a wide range of legal services. The firm specializes in corporate and securities law, financial services and tax, litigation, complex restructuring and bankruptcy, mergers and acquisitions, private equity, financial products, and real estate investments, and is renowned for its expertise in each of these areas. The firm also has a highly regarded litigation and arbitration practice and provides clients with comprehensive tax and financial services advice. With offices in over 20 countries, Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP is one of the leading global law firms.

The Legacy of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP (Skadden, Arps) is one of the largest and most successful law firms in the world. Based in New York City, the firm was founded in 1948 by three attorneys – Joseph R. Flom, William T. Meagher and Marshall S. Slate. The trio shared a passion for excellence in legal representation, a belief in their ability to secure success for their clients and a commitment to achieving the highest standards of professional conduct. Over the following decades, the firm has developed into one of the most respected and successful law practices, with offices around the globe.

Skadden, Arps has provided innovative and comprehensive legal solutions to clients throughout its history. The firm has an impressive portfolio of clients from both the public and private sectors, and its many accolades are testament to the quality of legal service the firm provides. The firm has been consistently recognized by both the legal community and clients for excellence in a wide range of legal specialties.

In 2019, Skadden, Arps was ranked as the most prestigious law firm in the world by Chambers & Partners. The firm is also widely recognized as a leading presence in the global legal services market, with a strong commitment to providing clients with the best possible service. Additionally, the firm has been recognized by many top legal industry publications as one of the most successful and innovative law firms in the world.

Skadden, Arps has become a trusted advisor to both domestic and international clients, providing legal services in a wide range of areas. The firm has advised on a variety of matters, from corporate and financial services, to real estate and corporate restructuring, to litigation and complex tax issues. The firm also offers counsel on specialized matters, such as international law and antitrust, mergers and acquisitions, and intellectual property.

In addition to its professional services, Skadden, Arps has focused on providing pro bono legal services to individuals and organizations in need. The firm has been a strong supporter of public interest initiatives, as well as offering its legal expertise to members of the community who are unable to access legal representation otherwise.

In matters of both quantity and quality, few firms can stack up next to Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP & Affiliates. A young entry into the competitive New York landscape little more than a mere half-century ago, Skadden has evolved into one of the world's greatest firms, boasting over 1,700 attorneys in 22 locations across the globe.

Given its size and scope, Skadden is annually near the top of profit lists. According to Corporate Control Alert, Skadden was 2003's number one firm in terms of total M&A transactions for an astounding 12th year in a row. Skadden's financial prowess is matched by its recognition from various law publications. A recent issue of The American Lawyer placed Skadden in the top 10 in 14 different categories, far more than any other firm. Chambers USA singled out 99 Skadden partners for achievement in a variety of practices, a staggering amount considering the number of firms that don't even have that many associates, let alone partners.

Skadden is widely viewed as one of the top corporate law firms in the country and represents a healthy portion of the Fortune 500. Clients have included Disney, Bell Atlantic and Sprint---just to name a few. The firm played a huge role in many of the well-known M&A cases during the fecund 1980s. New York partner Peter Atkins handled Kohlberg Kravis Roberts' fabled buyout of RJR Nabisco, a sum which exceeded $20 billion. Currently Skadden is representing both Westfield American Trust and Westfield Holdings Ltd. in a three-way merger worth $16.2 billion.

Skadden's M&A reputation is so celebrated that it has even led to a bit of cloak-and-dagger intrigue. White Plains attorney Robert Schuster tried to bribe a Skadden paralegal in the hopes of obtaining inside information about imminent M&A deals. The paralegal reported the incident to the firm, who relayed it to the FBI. The paralegal covertly taped conversations with Mr. Schuster and gave him a false tip. Mr. Schuster was subsequently arrested. Of course, most paralegals at the firm have a comparatively banal schedule.

Skadden is not only about mega-sized corporate deals. There have also been a number of high-profile litigation cases. Washington D.C. partner Robert Bennett served as President Clinton's attorney in the Paula Jones sexual harassment suit.

On the pro bono front the firm has received a long list of awards from organizations such as the NAACP Legal Defense Fund to Pro Bono Advocates. Skadden has been heralded for its famous "Skadden Fellowship Foundation," which, since 1988, has aided those desirous of pursuing a career in public interest work. The Los Angeles Times dubbed the program "a legal Peace Corps."

It would be fair to assume that identity is often lost in such a behemoth, but it must be kept in mind that while a good number of attorneys are concentrated in the New York headquarters, others are spread out from Singapore to Frankfurt. The firm has managed to produce a number of stars and retain its philosophy. Original (lone) attorney, the legendary Joseph Flom, is still a partner at the firm.

The firm is highly cognizant that despite its numbers, each individual lawyer is crucial to the overall success, and this recognition is reflected in the payroll. Attorneys at Skadden can expect to share in the wealth. Most first year associates receive around $140,000 before bonuses kick in and more tenured lawyers receive proportionately munificent salaries.

It may be a mouthful to say and make for a somewhat protracted letterhead, but in a relatively short time Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom has established itself as a major world player and one of America's premiere firms. For attorneys that seek the social advantages of large networks and the professional challenge of epic-sized deals, there is no other place to turn.


Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP currently has several openings for litigators, corporate attorneys and real estate attorneys, among others, throughout its 22 offices. More information regarding positions at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP can be found in the LawCrossing job database.

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