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5 Steps to Using Morrison Foerster as a Legal Resource for Your Business

published March 02, 2023

( 94 votes, average: 4.7 out of 5)

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Morrison Foerster is an international law firm with offices in the United States, Europe and Asia. Founded in the late 19th century, this full-service law firm provides specialized legal services in corporate and finance, litigation, tax, and intellectual property law.

Morrison Foerster has over 1300 lawyers worldwide, making it one of the world's largest law firms. This firm is renowned for its experience in handling the most complex and intricate legal matters. Morrison Foerster has earned a reputation for successfully and efficiently representing clients in a wide variety of industries including tech, finance, life sciences, energy, and more.

Morrison Foerster's Corporate and Finance Group offers comprehensive legal services in areas such as corporate transactions, securities, mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, corporate finance, and venture capital. Their lawyers have a deep understanding of the regulatory environment in the US, Europe and Asia, which gives them the ability to provide their clients with the best legal advice and representation.

The firm's Litigation Group provides experienced counsel in civil litigation, white collar defense and investigations, immigration, labor and employment law, and tax controversy matters. Through their complex legal expertise and strategic approach, Morrison Foerster attorneys are able to navigate complex disputes and represent their clients successfully.

Morrison Foerster's Tax Group furnishes clients with sophisticated legal advice and planning strategies for their income tax needs. Their attorneys are well-versed in federal, state and international tax laws, and work closely with clients to develop efficient and effective solutions to their tax-related problems.

The firm's Intellectual Property Group provides services related to the protection and enforcement of intellectual property such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. Their attorneys are knowledgeable in technology, trademarks, entertainment, and litigation-related matters, and are committed to helping their clients protect their intellectual property assets.

In summary, Morrison Foerster is an internationally-renowned law firm that provides its clients with experienced legal counsel in corporate and finance, litigation, tax, and intellectual property law. Through their complex legal expertise and strategic approach, Morrison Foerster attorneys are able to provide their clients with the best legal advice and representation. With offices in the US, Europe, and Asia, Morrison Foerster is well-equipped to help their clients with all of their legal needs.

What type of work does Morrison & Foerster (MoFo) specialize in?

MoFo specializes in finance and intellectual property law, focusing on intellectual property litigation and corporate finance matters.

Does MoFo offer part-time opportunities for women?

MoFo offers part-time opportunities and generous maternity leaves for women.

How likely is it to become a partner at MoFo?

Becoming a partner at MoFo can take up to 10 years, but some associates describe it as a reasonable expectation.

What awards has MoFo received for its workplace atmosphere?

MoFo has received numerous awards for its exemplary workplace atmosphere, including being ranked #1 for Diversity and #2 for the "Best Firm to Work For" in the 2004 surveys conducted by

Does MoFo incentivize attorneys who bill over 200 hours of pro bono work?

MoFo has a stellar pro bono program that allows many attorneys to bill over 200 hours of pro bono work and provides financial incentives for these attorneys. The firm also considers pro bono cases equal in importance to paying ones.

If you value quality of life and a diverse workplace environment above all else in your job search, look no further than San Francisco's Morrison & Foerster. Established in 1883, the firm has undergone over a dozen name changes in its lifetime, but most attorneys now affectionately refer to the firm by its nickname, "MoFo." Cute nicknames aside, the law firm, which boasts 1,000 attorneys and 19 worldwide offices, not only manages to maintain one of the best workplace environments in the legal industry, but gets a lot of impressive work done as well. In 2002, the firm cleared almost $500 million in gross revenue. MoFo has proven that is it possible for a law firm to be both laid back and incredibly profitable.
Mo Fo as it is called one of the highly respected and lovable Law Firm to Work : Morrison & Foerster

The dotcom boom in the late 1990s led to considerable growth for MoFo, as it became deeply involved in both Silicon Valley and New York-based internet companies. With that work all but gone after the bust, the firm has tended to focus on finance and intellectual property law and is historically known for its work on intellectual property litigation and corporate finance matters.

Although associates at MoFo put in long hours of hard work typical of any large firm, they also experience unparalleled courtesy and friendliness in the office. Associates describe a prevailing atmosphere of mutual respect and professionalism. And while associates have been known to complain about lacking formal training program, they note that the informal training opportunities are great.

The firm receives numerous awards for its exemplary workplace atmosphere, including being ranked #1 for Diversity and #2 for the "Best Firm to Work For" in the 2004 surveys conducted by Women report that the firm provides part-time opportunities as well as generous maternity leaves. The firm also maintains a progressive stance on gay and lesbian issues, offering domestic partner benefits. With an overall ranking of 5th in the nation by Minority Law Journal in terms of ethnic minority percentage, MoFo demonstrates a serious attitude when it comes to diversity issues.

MoFo also gets recognition both inside and outside the firm for their commitment to pro bono cases. The firm's stellar pro bono program allows many attorneys to bill over 200 hours of pro bono work, with the firm considering pro bono cases equal in importance to paying ones. MoFo has received numerous awards for its pro bono program, including the 2002 Pro Bono Publico award by the American Bar Association.

MoFo lawyers seem to have the best of both worlds, earning top compensation and enjoying a laid-back workplace. The firm pays out an average salary of $157,500 and employs a three-tier bonus system. The bonus system allows different financial incentives at three separate levels of total billable hours, 1,950, 2,100, and 2,200. Associates know that they can expect financial rewards even if they do not work the killer 2,400 hours required at some firms. And with the firm throwing other perks at them, such as Blackberrys and individual offices for associates, there really doesn't seem to be much to complain about at Morrison.

Unfortunately for those not already in the firm, the reputation for happy people and interesting work has made MoFo one of the most difficult places to get hired. At a minimum, first year associates are expected to have graduated from a top law school as well as maintained top academic records. Firm insiders have noted that being liberal and having diverse backgrounds are also valued by recruiters. In comparison, making partner seems to be an easier task at this firm. Although the road to partner can take up to 10 years at MoFo, some associates describe it as being a reasonable expectation.
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