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Find Your Dream Job in the Legal Industry with Fish & Neave

published March 02, 2023

( 123 votes, average: 4.5 out of 5)

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Fish & Neave is a law firm with offices in the United States, Europe and Asia. The firm specializes in providing legal services in corporate law, intellectual property, litigation, mergers and acquisitions, and technology law. Fish & Neave was founded in 1875 and has a long history of providing exceptional legal services to their clients.

Founded in 1875, Fish & Neave is a law firm with offices in the United States, Europe, and Asia. The firm specializes in providing legal services in corporate law, intellectual property, litigation, mergers and acquisitions, and technology law.

Fish & Neave's corporate law practice focuses on mergers and acquisitions, private equity and venture capital financing, securities offerings, and corporate finance. The firm's lawyers provide expert advice on corporate governance and compliance, tax and finance, and employment law. The firm also offers compliance counseling and advice on corporate structure and organization.

Fish & Neave's intellectual property practice is focused on patent and trademark prosecution, copyright registration, and IP litigation. The firm helps its clients protect their brands and products through the development of effective IP strategies. Additionally, the firm provides licensing and generalized IP counseling.

Fish & Neave's litigation practice is focused on resolving civil disputes, including claims brought under state and federal law. The firm has a team of experienced litigators who represent clients in a variety of areas, from corporate and contract disputes to product liability and medical malpractice.

Fish & Neave's technology law practice is focused on helping their clients manage the complexities of technology-related matters. The firm has a team of attorneys who specialize in data privacy, software licensing, and cybersecurity. The firm also provides legal services related to emerging technologies, such as blockchain and artificial intelligence.

Fish & Neave is a full-service law firm that provides exceptional legal services to its clients. The firm has a long history of providing expert legal advice and services in corporate, intellectual property, litigation, mergers and acquisitions, and technology law. The firm's attorneys are experienced in handling a variety of cases and are dedicated to providing the best possible legal services.

What kind of clients does Fish & Neave have?

Fish & Neave has represented clients such as Alexander Graham Bell and the Wright brothers, among others.

How many offices does Fish & Neave have?

Fish & Neave has offices in New York, Palo Alto, and Washington, D.C.

What type of training program does Fish & Neave offer?

Fish & Neave has a "Patent Agent Training Program," in which experts with science or engineering backgrounds are paid full salary and law school tuition to work at the firm and attend law school at night.

What is the average work week for associates of Fish & Neave?

Associates describe their work week as manageable, usually averaging only 56 hours.

Does Fish & Neave offer competitive bonuses to its associates?

While associate salaries are average among large law firms, the bonuses offered by Fish & Neave are comparably small or sometimes nonexistent. However, the firm tries to compensate for this with other gestures of generosity, such as a skybox at Madison Square Garden and fancy holiday parties. Additionally, the firm pays relocation fees and bar-related expenses, and there is no requirement for billable hours.

Synonymous with intellectual property law, Fish & Neave has focused on intellectual property law and litigation, patents & trade secrets, and trademarks & unfair competition for over 100 years. With clients such as Alexander Graham Bell and the Wright brothers and cases such as the near $1 billion Polaroid patent infringement case, Fish & Neave continues to dominate as one of the nation's top intellectual property firms.
Fish & Neave - One Of The Nation's Top Intellectual Property Firms

Offices in New York, Palo Alto, and Washington D.C. house 184 Fish & Neave attorneys, giving the firm a national (and international) presence in intellectual property law. Numerous times, the firm has been hailed as "Patent Litigation Team of the Year" by Managing Intellectual Property as well as ranked second in the Vault's Top IP Litigation Firms. For those interested in intellectual property law, especially patent litigation, it doesn't get much better than a position at Fish & Neave.

While the firm recruits the standard top law school graduates, Fish & Neave is also willing to consider candidates with technical backgrounds. The firm even has a "Patent Agent Training Program," in which experts with science or engineering backgrounds are paid full salary and law school tuition in order to work at the firm and attend law school at night. However, despite the firm's willingness to overlook a nonexistent law degree, Fish & Neave nevertheless has one of the most competitive hiring processes among intellectual property boutiques.

Although 80% of the firm's work involves litigation, Fish & Neave manages to maintain a casual and friendly workplace environment. A mixture of civility and unusually high responsibility seems to be the prevailing atmosphere for associates in the firm. Despite working longer hours after the dotcom crash, associates describe their work week as very manageable, usually averaging only 56 hours. Fish & Neave also has no formal departments in an effort to prevent internal divisions and to promote overall teamwork. Summer associates also praise Fish & Neave on their experiences with the firm. Lzine's 2003 Summer Associate Survey, shows a high propensity for summer associates to describe their work as interesting and to accept a first-year position at the firm.

With the associate salaries being average among large law firms, one of the only areas that Fish & Neave seems to be lagging in is bonuses. Associates have been known to complain about their comparably small or sometimes nonexistent bonuses. But what the firm lacks in additional compensation, it tries to make up with other gestures of generosity, such as a skybox at Madison Square Garden and fancy holiday parties. Additionally, the firm pays for relocation fees as well as bar related expenses and the lack of a billable hours requirement is obviously a tremendous advantage in the quality of associate lives.
( 123 votes, average: 4.5 out of 5)
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