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University of Houston Law Center Office of Career Development

published August 18, 2011

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left
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The CDO's initial goal is to meet the job search needs of each student, while the secondary goal is to provide students with access to educational panels that present both traditional and non-traditional job opportunities in the legal field. In order to meet those goals, the University of Houston Law Center Office of Career Development provides offers a variety of career programs, such as the First Year Initiative (FYI), which offers resume writing presentations, networking opportunities, and summer employment opportunities for the 1L student. Another offering, the Mock Interview Program, joins law students and school counselors together for rehearsal interviews. The Legal Excursions program is designed to expose student to different legal environments through ''field trips'' to law firms, government agencies, and courts. The CDO also provides a ''Day in the Life'' panel discussion, which gives students the chance to hear from attorneys from various practice areas as they describe their career experiences.

Employers turn to the CDO primarily for recruitment purposes and are therefore granted password-protected access to the online job bank. Employers are invited to post job listings free of charge, with the knowledge that all UHLC students and alumni, as well as other law school graduates, will have access to the postings. Employers are invited to either attend on-campus interview events, which are held every fall and every spring, or to participate in the Resume/Collection/Resume Drop Program, which involves the collection of law student resumes through the CDO. Additionally, the CDO sponsors 10 job fairs every year.

In an effort to serve all students and schedules, two career counselors are available for appointments until six in the evening on two days each week, throughout the fall and spring semesters. Telephone appointments are also offered for part-time students who may not have an opportunity to meet with a counselor on campus. Additionally, the CDO records presentations and panel discussions, whenever possible, to allow evening students the chance to view them.

For students who wish to meet with a career counselor in person, individual appointments can be scheduled at the CDO reception desk or online. Career counselors can provide resume and cover letter review, career goal self-assessment services, salary negotiation assistance, instruction on the use of career resources, and job search assistance.

The CDO also serves alumni by providing access to the school's online job postings and reciprocity services, which enable alumni to request access to another law school's career center for a set amount of time. A reciprocity request typically takes one to two weeks to process.

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Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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published August 18, 2011

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left
( 13 votes, average: 4.1 out of 5)
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