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Philadelphia Lawyer Facing Jail Sentence for Theft

published July 31, 2009

By Author - LawCrossing
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Mirarchi's wife, Dorothy inked out a deal with Assistant Chester County District Attorney in which she agreed to sell two houses deeded in her name and turn over any monies left after deducting $600,000 for her own living expenses. Upon selling the couple's home in Berwyn, Dorothy Mirarchi took the $500,000 from the sale and purchased a new Lexus car. The remaining property located in Avalon, N.J. was listed for $1.9 million but has been taken off the market.

In a statement from Judge Thomas Gavin, the sentence would be reconsidered if Mirarchi's victims 'receive some restitution in 30 days.'

Mirarchi was convicted of stealing $897,204 from Paul Pezzotti Sr., his landscaper and $100,000 from Michael Avallone, a Philadelphia physician. Victim Pezzotti Sr., 78 years old, has been forced to return to work since he hired Mirarchi to handle his retirement investments.

Last year, Mirarchi pleaded guilty to two counts of theft and has already spent over 15 months locked up in Chester County Prison awaiting his sentencing.

According to the judge residing over the case, Mirarchi's attorney can file a motion to vacate the sentence if an agreement for restitution is reached.

According to investigators, Mirarchi has defrauded other clients but no other charges have been laid at this time.
