Rank 392
Point Legal LLC

Point Legal LLC

Koppers Building, 30th Floor 436 Seventh Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Phone : 412-227-2740
Fax : 412-227-2749

2017 Legal Recruiters List Rankings


POINT LEGAL provides confidential consulting services for law firms and corporate legal departments. POINT LEGAL also is associated with several firms and individuals expert in the related areas of public speaking, counseling, feasibility, cost analysis, marketing, insurance and technology. Upon request, POINT LEGAL will make references and arrange consulting services on an "as needed" basis in these and other relevant disciplines

Past Years Rankings

Law Firms in Pittsburgh

K&L Gates LLP

K&L Gates LLP comprises more than 2,000 lawyers who practice in fully integrated offices located on five continents: Anchorage, Austin, Beijing, Berlin, Boston, Brisbane, Brussels, Charleston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Doha, Dubai, Fort Worth, Frankfurt, Harrisburg, Hong Kong, Houston, London, Los Angeles, Melbourne, Miami, Milan, Moscow, Newark, New York, Orange County, Palo Alto, Paris, Perth, Pittsburgh, Portland, Raleigh, Research Triangle Park, San Francisco, São Paulo, Seattle, Seoul, S...

Reed Smith LLP

Reed Smith represents many of the world's leading companies in complex litigation and other high-stakes disputes, cross-border and other strategic transactions, and crucial regulatory matters. With lawyers from coast-to-coast in the United States, as well as in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, Reed Smith is known for its experience across a broad array of industry sectors. Reed Smith counsels 13 of the world's 15 largest commercial and savings banks; 25 of the world's 35 largest oil and gas ...

Welch, Gold, Siegel & Fiffik, PC

Since 1996, Welch, Gold, Siegel & Fiffik PC has delivered legal services in an innovative way across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We are innovative because of our dedication to providing not only quality legal advice but also exceptional client service. Our goal is to deliver a high level of success and satisfaction to our clients. The firm employs several methods to achieve this goal....

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