3 Star Rating

1 Review

Richards, Watson & Gershon

Main Office: 355 South Grand Avenue, 40th Floor | Los Angeles | CA | 90071-3101

Phone: 213-626-8484 | Fax: 213-626-0078

3 Star Rating

1 Review

Richards, Watson & Gershon - Reviews

See reviews for Richards, Watson & Gershon from attorneys and other legal professionals below.

Lacking In Most Departments on May 19, 2024 - Current Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Current Employee

Advice to law firm management:
Do a complete 180, look at yourselves in the mirror and ask: would be happy in my position? No, right? After you've done that, change the way you do things, specifically towards myself and other employees who only want to work how we feel is going to get the job done but in our own way and treat us with respect.

I think one of the best things about the firm, and it surprised me, was how well the team worked together when we needed to come together. For brief periods of time we worked smooth like a flowing river.

I'll keep this on the short end but so much is wrong with it. First of all, management is not very kind or caring towards their employees, seeing us as workers and nothing more. We can't creatively express ourselves, having to work almost like robots. There is not much room for improvement or voicing one's opinions.

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

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