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Summer Associate Program The summer... associates attend client meetings,... trials, depositions and negotiations. Summer associates work in various... practice areas during the summer. Rather than structure work... through every practice group, summer associates are assigned projects... and priorities throughout the summer as each student’s interests......
for volunteer opportunities in summer internships or academic semester... externships. As a law intern, you will have the chance to work alongside experienced attorneys on cutting-edge legal issues related to privacy and civil liberties. This is a valuable opportunity...
Law Firm Summer Associate Program: Gain Valuable... Salary - Law firm offering summer associate program for rising... 2Ls - Program available in New York, Washington DC, and San Francisco offices - Applicants must have received Spring semester grades - Interested candidates should submit resume,...
& Warren DC 2025 Summer Program for First Year... & Warren DC 2025 Summer Program for First Year... law students to participate in their 2025 summer program. This program is... designed to provide students with a unique and immersive e...
Job Title: 2025 Summer Associate at Kelley Drye... Heading: Join Our 2025 Summer Program at Kelley Drye... law students in the summer program - Potential for... full-time employment after completion of the program Experience Information: - No prior legal...
Summer Associate Program Well-rounded, motivated... second year students with outstanding academic credentials, demonstrated leadership abilities, excellent writing skills and a commitment to exceptional client service are considered. The firm considers participation in law review, moot court, mock trial and other...
Summer Associate Program The summer... associates will receive a... theories to real-world situations. Summer associates are encouraged to... attend and participate in hearings, depositions, mediations, closings, and client meetings where they pleadings and motions. The summer associates are encouraged to......
Summer associate program The candidate... should be Law students for a 2L summer associate position....
Summer Associate Program The candidate... should be 2L student....
Summer Associate Program The summer... program was designed to... give law students real experience working for a highly-ranked international trade and intellectual property law firm....