Trust & Estate Admin Attorney - Newport Beach, CA OR CA Remote

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Newport Beach, CA, United States

Trust & Estate Admin Attorney - Newport Beach, CA OR CA Remote




"Certain beneficiaries and trustees lacking legal counsel that we fund trust loans for, generally for tax relief and property buyout purposes -- need help from an ; Your fees are paid by the family ; Contact us ;


We are Commercial Loan Corp, licensed California trust and estate lenders in Newport Beach, ; We are referring legal needs out to attorneys concerning  trust estates & beneficiaries we're providing trust loan funding to, for inherited property buyout and tax purposes,  minimizing property reassessment.

40% of the families coming to our firm for trust funding have no attorney in ; Some have a trustee with no experience at all, hence a need for an experienced attorney, to strengthen that ; We need to speak with attorneys in all 58 California counties – trust estates and beneficiaries from all across the state are referred to us for trust ; All legal fees are paid from each family ;


Please feel free to reach out directly:


Geoffrey W. Sadwith
Commercial Loan Corp
Newport Beach
Client Relations


Commercial Loan Corp

We specialize in loans to trusts and estates. When beneficiaries inheriting property from parents wish to buyout co-beneficiary siblings' share of that property with a trust loan, in conjunction with Proposition 19 (formerly Prop 58) to avoid property tax reassessment. Therefore, we provide the financing needed for equal distribution to beneficiaries selling out their inherited property shares.

Jan 11, 2025
Jul 12, 2022

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