published May 30, 2016

By Amanda Griffin

Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends for Law Firms in 2016

Find out the top 10 digital marketing trends facing law firms in 2016.

As the world continues to turn more and more towards a digital culture, law firms have to keep up if they want to keep the edge on remaining competitive and gaining more clients.
  1. Social media conversion will be the focus.
Most law firms at this point in time are participating on social media sites in some way, usually as a one way channel to distribute their content. The smartest law firms will find a way to interact with their target audience through things like registering for a webinar, attending an event, downloading an eBook, and more.
  1. Higher importance placed on Search Engine Optimization.
One AmLaw 100 law firm has hired a full time employee just to focus on enhancing the firm’s SEO. Competition between law firms is fierce, so this comes as no surprise, and will probably be a trend in the biggest law firms.
  1. Microsites will become the leadership platform for practice and industry groups.
Microsites allow firms to develop digital properties quickly on a specific topic, area of practice, or industry which can then be SEO and social media optimized.
  1. Mobile will dominate desktop.
Last year was the first year that mobile traffic was greater than desktop traffic. This trend is not going to stop.
  1. Intelligent content replaced content marketing as the trend.
Intelligent content is “structurally rich and semantically categorized” so the content is reusable and adaptable. Law firms with many services, languages, practice areas, and audiences will benefit the most, because they are tasked with creating content for several environments.
  1. Measuring ROI and actionable insight from digital efforts will be a focus.
Being able to measure success is a concern for most if not all law firms. By analyzing their digital data and understanding how to use it, a law firm will be able to take action to improve and be more successful.
  1. Multichannel marketing is a key marketing strategy.
Multichannel marketing is the ability to interact with future clients on several platforms such as in print, a physical location, a website, an event, products, and word of mouth in a unified way.
  1. Marketing automation will emerge.
The concept of automating marketing is new for law firms to explore in order to enhance their engagements with potential clients and current clients.
  1. Greater effort given to acquire online reviews.
Often clients are gained through referrals, so building a strong database of positive reviews will keep a law firm going strong with new work.
  1. Web design will become even more important.
The design of a law firm’s website will show potential clients what the firm is all about. A clean but edgy design compared to a simple one page website shows that the firm invests time in all its endeavors.

For more information about improving your law firm website, see the following articles: Photo:

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