2 Star Rating

8 Reviews

Offit Kurman, Attorneys At Law

Main Office: 8171 Maple Lawn Boulevard, Suite 200 | Fulton | MD | 20759

Phone: 301-575-0300 | Fax: 301-575-0335

2 Star Rating

8 Reviews

Offit Kurman, Attorneys At Law - Reviews

See reviews for Offit Kurman, Attorneys At Law from attorneys and other legal professionals below.

Bad firm run by incompetent owners and non-lawyer managers on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Full time 2019 Former Employee


The owners and the management committee don't practice law; instead, they exist at the firm to (1) pay themselves, (2) buy smaller, aging firms, (3) harass the billing attorneys about bringing in new business and stealing their existing clients, (4) avoid paying out bonuses, and (5) fabricate new and inventive ways to cut agreed-upon compensation packages, and (6) harass, demean and marginalize female attorneys.

Partners to Avoid and Why:
See comments above. Don't go to this place unless you want lawyers who don't practice law and non-lawyer managers telling you how to practice law and interfering with your business and clients. Don't be fooled by the glossy marketing and website fluff. This is a firm that was created by three lawyers who bought a bunch of other crappy two and three lawyer law firms until they created one gigantic crappy law firm!

Favorite Things About this Firm:
The owners and the two leaders of the management committee are as clueless and inept as the Three Stooges.

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

Stay Away If You Are A Woman and Minority—Horrible Environment! on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Full time 2018 Former Employee

Advice to law firm management:
Please don’t think the public is going to look kindly upon your old boys club and the rampant, egregious, and systemic discrimination against countless individuals—staff and attorneys alike. The truth will come out one day including the fact that you have retaliated against countless individuals for calling you out for sheer incompetence, invidious discrimination, and the fact that y’all suck at the whole lawyer thing.

Before joining the firm, I was excited by novel approach to marketing and business development aspects of the firm.

Lots of turnover among attorneys and staff, management is rude, condescending, and demeaning towards women, minorities, and the legal administrative staff members who work hard. Toxic culture that rewards the old boys club, which consists of the management team and all white male shareholders (20). The firm is not well-regarded in the Baltimore area if you talk to other attorneys—seems like everyone has at least one story about a negative interaction or experience they had with the firm, firm partners, or a colleague who experienced the rude and disrespectful behaviors of opposing counsel that were firm partners. Many nice, well-meaning attorneys and staff but they cannot fix this very broken system because leadership starts at the top and change doesn’t happen unless leadership is interested in fixing problems and accepting feedback. Diversity is not valued or even addressed by firm. Shady.

Partners to Avoid and Why:
Tim Lynch John Raftery Howard Kurman Ted Offit (especially any women—do not agree to be alone with him!) Maurice Offit Jason Klein

Favorite Things About this Firm:
Some of the individual attorneys and staff (especially paralegals and admins!) who I met while employed by the firm. Many people supported me even though management made every attempt to embarrass and humiliate me for seeking equal treatment.

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

One-star rating is too high for this law firm on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Full time 2017 Former Employee

Advice to law firm management:
Retire ASAP!!!!!

Honestly, nothing.

Management is inept, incompetent, & incapable of running a law firm. Dog eat dog mentality due to origination system. Salaries are way below market—especially if you’re a woman or minority attorney. Only a handful of EQUITY-HOLDING partners even though they have tons of “partners.” Very homogenous (white men). Founders are racist, sexist, and Trump donors. Stay away from this firm if you want to keep your sanity.

Partners to Avoid and Why:
Management, founders (“3 stooges”).

Favorite Things About this Firm:

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

Former employee on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Full time 2016 Former Employee

Advice to law firm management:
Stop making titles and jobs for people. There are stoo many chiefs for the little Indians. Start listening to the Indians some Had good ideas but because they stepped on the toes of department managers no one listened.

Maybe the pay and benefits

Management especially with the management committee! They only listen to certain attorneys and support staff! If you aren’t part of the good old boys club then you aren’t anybody! As a woman that doesn’t suck ass you are nobody! They just buy up small firms to make themselves look gigantic. Then little by little they dismember the employees they brought over with those firms.

Partners to Avoid and Why:
All of them!

Favorite Things About this Firm:
Some of the people I worked with but there weren’t many I liked and I can get along with anyone!!

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

Overcharged and did nothing on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Full time 2021 Former Employee

Advice to law firm management:
Don’t say you can accomplish something you cannot


I worked with Anna Le Blac, Trina Winecoff and Elizabeth Hodges. I was talked into hiring this firm by family members. I was told this firm was very good and could hold my ex-husband accountable for his actions during the marriage. I had previously done a mediation and though I wasn’t pleased with the outcome, I was happy with the custody I had received and made it clear during the initial call that was the most important thing to me. They assured me they could help me and did not speak of the risk I was taking. I reached out on numerous occasions for assistance as my ex-husband was harassing me about ridiculous things and I needed it to stop. I received no response. I would go weeks without hearing from them despite situations I needed help with. I do understand that Anna and Trina allegedly both had family emergencies during this time and I am sympathetic to that but I have 2 little girls I was trying to protect and send a message to their father that I would no longer allow him to manipulate the truth. We were supposed to submit an offer to my ex-husbands attorney but his attorney was allowed the time to strike first and I was constantly coming from behind. I had to be on defense when I should’ve been on offense. My husband’s attorney was very proactively accusing me of things based off his lies. I did not receive the same service from this firm. I was told in email, that when they are just trying to get to a 50/50 settlement they don’t address those lies but he used those lies and continues to use those lies to threaten me. I had hired an attorney so they would stand up to him and send him a message. The only message he received was he can do what he wants and will never be held accountable. I was told by one attorney after mediation that she didn’t understand why I didn’t take the first offer and maybe I should learn not to listen to my mom and sister. I found this incredibly insulting and after what I had been through in my marriage it was very hurtful. However, I am also a bit confused as I hired attorneys to advise me not my sister and mother. If they felt I had such a good deal before I believe they should have said something. I didn’t realize they too were taking legal advice from my mom and sister. I also had issues with their billing department. I received a call from their billing department stating they didn’t have a payment on file which was strange because they had drafted $500 from my account on 2 occasions. I had to have them apply my retainer fee twice and it was not being calculated. Then I updated my payment information and their billing department failed to add it to my account. Mrs. Hodges then accused me of pulling my payment method and refused to help me with yet another situation with my ex until my bill was updated. I was incredibly upset by this accusation as I was leaving a marriage where I was frequently accused of things that I did not do. So to sum it up…. · My ex who recorded me with a video camera 24/7 with sound (wire tapping) · Is now recording our daughters 24/7 with sound (his mom was in prison for recording children performing acts on each other) · Spent funds from the HELOC on things he wanted while holding me in financial prison · Lied and put words in our daughters’ mouths · Was essentially an absentee father before the dissolution of the marriage and now is love bombing the girls until he wins and then that will change He now has 50/50 custody and I’m actually getting less than half upon settlement because no one actually checked the numbers. My recommendation go with Laura Burt. She apparently believes anything her clients tell her and will use any means possible to get her client the best deal even at the expense of everyone (particularly the kids) involved.

Partners to Avoid and Why:
Elizabeth Hodges Anna Leblanc

Favorite Things About this Firm:

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

Negative Aspects of Offit Kurman to Be Aware Of on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Full time 2021 Former Employee

There are several negative aspects of Offit Kurman that should be noted. The firm has been accused of operating as a Ponzi scheme, and there are concerns about the behavior of individuals such as Ted Offit, Maurice Offit, and Tim Lynch. Additionally, the Compensation Committee and non-lawyer managers have been described as corrupt, and the lawyers in the Bethesda office have been criticized for their incompetence. Overall, there are many issues that should be considered before working with Offit Kurman.

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

The source provided a positive evaluation of the Offit Kurman, Attorneys At Law. on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Full time 2021 Former Employee

5.Current EmployeeVery OrganizedNov 8, 2021 - Legal Assistant in Columbia, MDRecommendProsGreat on boarding process with lots of opportunity to refresh, build skills in all aspects of software.ConsNot a fair environment, some employees treated better than others.

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

Sadly, I have to leave a negative review for this Offit Kurman, Attorneys At Law because my experience and the experiences of others do not warrant my endorsement of their services. on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Full time 2022 Former Employee

1.0Current Employee, less than 1 yearAwfulAssociate Attorney in Baltimore, MDRecommendProsNothing good to report about this firmConsPeople, salary, equity partnership structure

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

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