Washington, DC, United States
Trademark and Internet Attorney
1-10 yrs required
Washington, . office of a BCG Attorney Search Top Ranked Law Firm seeks trademark and internet attorney with 2-5 years of experience. The candidate should have 2-5 years of dedicated experience in at least several of the following, including digital brand protection issues: (1) all aspects of trademark portfolio management, including counseling, clearance and prosecution; (2) trademark enforcement, including development enforcement strategies, negotiating settlement agreements, and supporting TTAB proceedings; (3) domain name portfolio management and domain name enforcement, including UDRP complaints and similar proceedings; (4) social media strategy and enforcement in connection with usage of trademarks and brand-related elements; (5) transactional IP matters, such as negotiation of license agreements; (6) Internet policy matters, including ICANN-related issues; and (7) copyright matters. Should preferably have a solid foundation in trademark portfolio, domain name, and ICANN matters, including experience with attending ICANN meetings (including virtual meetings) and participating in the multi-stakeholder model. Must be a member of the DC Bar, or a member of another State Bar and willing and able to become barred in DC. Some prior experience must be in private practice, with a track record for providing excellent client service is required.
BCG Attorney Search
Dec 10, 2024
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