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Foster Care Review Office

Main Office: 1225 L Street, Suite 401 | Lincoln | NE | 68508-2139
Phone: 402-471-4420 | Fax: 402-471-4437




Introducing Foster Care Review Office: Pursuing Great Outcomes for Children and Families

When it comes to making a difference in the lives of vulnerable children and families, the Foster Care Review Office (FCRO) stands as a beacon of hope and support. Since its establishment in 1982, this independent state agency has been at the forefront of ensuring the safety, permanency, and well-being of all children in out-of-home care in Nebraska. With a mission that encompasses case reviews, data collection and analysis, and accountability, the FCRO has become the authoritative voice for children and youth in need.

2022 marks a significant milestone for the FCRO as it celebrates its 40th year of dedicated service to the state of Nebraska. To commemorate this achievement, the agency is unveiling an updated brand aesthetic and messaging that positions itself as an organization that pursues "Great Outcomes" for kids, families, and stakeholders. This exciting development reflects the FCRO's unwavering commitment to creating positive change and ensuring the best possible outcomes for those it serves.

One of the most notable features of the FCRO is its new Data Dashboards, which are designed to provide comprehensive and easily accessible information to system stakeholders and everyday Nebraskans alike. Located on the left side of the agency's website, just below publications, these dashboards offer a wealth of data on current numbers of children impacted, the agencies and courts responsible, demographics, and key indicators. The information can be sorted in ways that are most useful for users, allowing for a deeper understanding of the challenges and progress in the realm of out-of-home care.

The FCRO's commitment to data reporting goes beyond mere numbers. The agency is dedicated to providing high-level and in-depth analysis, ensuring that the information presented is meaningful and actionable. By making this data readily available, the FCRO empowers individuals and organizations to make informed decisions and advocate for positive change. This transparency and accessibility are crucial in fostering a collaborative and informed approach to improving the lives of children and families in need.

However, the true heart and soul of the FCRO lies in its citizen volunteers. These dedicated individuals are the lifeblood of the agency's mission, without whom its work would not be possible. Currently, the FCRO boasts a team of 300 volunteer board members who selflessly contribute their time and expertise to support the agency's initiatives. Moreover, over the past 40 years, a staggering 2,398 Nebraskans have volunteered, leaving an indelible impact on the lives of countless children and families across the state.

Joining the FCRO as a staff member offers a unique and rewarding opportunity to be part of an organization that is truly making a difference. The agency's commitment to pursuing "Great Outcomes" for children and families is not just a slogan but a guiding principle that permeates every aspect of its work. Staff members have the chance to contribute to a cause that is greater than themselves, knowing that their efforts directly impact the lives of those in need.

Moreover, working at the FCRO means being part of a government agency that values transparency, collaboration, and innovation. The agency's dedication to data reporting and analysis sets it apart, providing staff members with the tools and resources needed to drive meaningful change. The FCRO's updated brand aesthetic and messaging reflect its forward-thinking approach, positioning it as an agency that is constantly evolving and adapting to meet the needs of the community it serves.

In conclusion, the Foster Care Review Office is an organization that is dedicated to ensuring the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and youth in out-of-home care in Nebraska. With its updated brand aesthetic, commitment to data reporting, and reliance on citizen volunteers, the FCRO is a beacon of hope and support for those in need. Joining the agency as a staff member offers an exciting opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of vulnerable children and families, while also being part of a government agency that values transparency, collaboration, and innovation. Together, we can pursue "Great Outcomes" and create a brighter future for all.

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