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King & Spalding LLP.

Main Office: 1180 Peachtree Street, NE, Suite 1600 | Atlanta | GA | 30309
Phone: 404 572 4600 |

King & Spalding LLP. follows the set of hiring criteria outlined below.

Hiring Criteria

King & Spalding strongly believes in creating and nurturing a diverse, collaborative, and inclusive environment for its professionals and welcomes applications from legal professionals who are in sync with the firm's commitment to provide exceptional legal services to its clients.

Here are some of the skills and values that King & Spalding looks for in prospective hires:

An uncompromising approach to quality
Ability to anticipate client needs
Able to cut through the fuss
Excellent problem-solving skills
Motivation to succeed
Ability and willingness to take up challenges
A "can-do" attitude
Demonstrated ability to translate legalese into easy-to-understand terms
Strong commercial sense

The King & Spalding attorneys who meet with you for the interviews expect the candidates to have taken the time to research the firm thoroughly prior to the interview and have clear, strong reasons for why they would be the perfect fit for their office/practice of choice. The firm's recruiters strive to ensure that during the interview process you have ample opportunity to know the firm and its attorneys in detail.

The screening interviews are typically about an hour long, and the duration of the second round can range from half a day to a full day spent at once of the King & Spalding offices. And, of course, the offers are contingent upon the successful completion of the background and reference checks.

Pro bono

At King & Spalding, attorneys are encouraged to bring in pro bono cases that interest them and meet the eligibility requirements of the firm's pro bono program. In order to further encourage its attorneys to give back to the community, the firm organizes multiple in-house trainings and sponsors for CLE seminars relevant to its pro bono work.

King & Spalding also provides its attorneys billable hour credit for pro bono work of up to 50 hours and counts this in the firm's Associate Bonus Program.

The organizations that have benefitted from King & Spalding's pro bono legal services include legal aid societies; volunteer lawyer foundations; inMotion, Inc.; Lawyers Alliance for New York; National Center for Refugee and Immigrant Children; Southern Center for Human Rights; Texas C-Bar; Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts; Washington Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights; and Women Empowered Against Violence.