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California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank)

Main Office: 1325 J Street,, Suite 1300, P.O. Box 2830 | Sacramento | CA | 95814




Exciting Opportunities Await at California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank)

California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank) is a government agency that was established in 1994 with the aim of financing public infrastructure and private development projects that contribute to the growth of California's economy and enhance the quality of life in its communities. With its broad authority to issue bonds, provide financing, and leverage state and federal funds, IBank plays a crucial role in driving economic development and job creation in the state.

The government of California is known for its progressive policies and commitment to sustainable development. It recognizes the importance of investing in infrastructure to support economic growth and improve the lives of its residents. IBank aligns with this vision by providing financial assistance and credit enhancements to public agencies and private entities involved in infrastructure and development projects.

One of the key programs offered by IBank is the Infrastructure State Revolving Fund (ISRF) Loan Program. This program provides low-interest loans to public agencies for the construction, improvement, or expansion of infrastructure projects such as water and wastewater systems, transportation facilities, and renewable energy projects. By participating in this program, staff at IBank have the opportunity to contribute to the development of vital infrastructure that benefits communities across the state.

Another notable program is the California Lending for Energy and Environmental Needs (CLEEN) Center. This program focuses on financing projects that promote clean energy, energy efficiency, and environmental sustainability. Staff at IBank have the chance to work on projects that address climate change and contribute to the state's ambitious renewable energy goals. This aligns with California's reputation as a global leader in environmental stewardship and provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment for those working at IBank.

The Climate Catalyst Revolving Loan Fund is another exciting initiative offered by IBank. This program provides financing for projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support the state's efforts to combat climate change. Staff at IBank have the opportunity to be at the forefront of innovative projects that have a positive impact on the environment and contribute to a more sustainable future.

In addition to these specialized programs, IBank also operates the Small Business Finance Center, which provides financial assistance to small businesses in California. This program helps entrepreneurs and small business owners access capital and grow their enterprises, thereby fostering economic development and job creation. Staff at IBank have the chance to support the backbone of California's economy and make a tangible difference in the lives of small business owners.

Furthermore, IBank's Bond Financing Program allows the agency to issue tax-exempt and taxable revenue bonds to finance various projects. This program provides staff with exposure to the intricacies of bond financing and the opportunity to work on large-scale projects that have a significant impact on the state's economy.

Joining California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank) offers staff the chance to be part of a government agency that is dedicated to driving economic growth, improving infrastructure, and promoting sustainable development. The government's commitment to these goals, combined with IBank's broad authority and diverse programs, provides exciting opportunities for those looking to make a meaningful impact in their careers.

Whether it's financing infrastructure projects, supporting clean energy initiatives, or assisting small businesses, working at IBank allows staff to contribute to the betterment of California's communities. The agency's alignment with the government's progressive policies and its focus on sustainable development make it an attractive choice for individuals who are passionate about making a difference.

In conclusion, California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank) offers staff the chance to be part of a government agency that plays a vital role in financing infrastructure and development projects in California. With its diverse programs and alignment with the government's progressive policies, IBank provides exciting opportunities for those looking to contribute to the state's economic growth, environmental sustainability, and overall quality of life.

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